Ch. 18 - Burning Desires

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We spent most of our Saturday in my apartment together. In return for him covering my class for the past week I helped him grade papers. At the end of the day we ended up parting ways, him to his room, me to mine. I tried to fall asleep early, but that had resulted in a nightmare.

I had only been 18 for a few weeks. I was about an hour outside of town running an errand for ikkei. I was being followed, but I had realized it too late. In the back of a dirty alley, my shirt had been ripped off and a muscular man with some kind of quirk that gave him 4 extra arms felt me up, one of his hands being wrapped around my neck, taking away my oxygen.

One moment my vision went black and the next moment I was hitting the floor, I opened my eyes to find said man writhing in pain as he burnt to a crisp in blue flames. The fire came from a tall, pale black haired man covered in god awful purple scars. Satisfied with the work of his fire he turned to me. I was sure I was next, or worse. But instead he put his coat around me. 

“Can you walk?” he asked. Still frightened I tried to scoot away, but searing pain shot up my leg. I realized my ankle was broken and I cried out in pain. Wordlessly he picked me up and put me on a motorcycle and seated me behind him. “Hang on Little Mouse.” He told me. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he peeled away from the cub, driving at speeds I had never hoped to go without a helmet. But we lived for the short lived journey to the hospital where he took me in. “You got a family to call? You should call em.” He spoke as he slumped back in a chair, now in a hospital room.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone, it was snapped clean in half. He sighed and pulled his own phone out of his pocket and tossed it to me. I dialed Keishin immediately and told him what happened, leaving out the part about the man being set on fire however, and I told him what hospital I was at.

“Who is this guy that helped you? Are you safe?” Keishin asked me as I heard him starting his car engine.

I looked over at the man whose blue eyes pierced through me. “Yeah, I’m okay Kei. Doctor said they're going to put my ankle back in place and put me in a cast. I’ll uh- see you here yeah?” I didn't know the man in front of me was Dabi, that was years ago before he had turned totally into a villain. He still went by Touya even. After we hung up I handed him his phone back. “My friend is coming now, you don't have to stay, I really appreciate your help…”

“You sure you want to be alone when the doctor snaps your leg back together?” He asked as if he already knew about my obscure fear of doctors. I didn't respond. “I’ll just take that as a no and stick around. I got nothing better to do.”

The doctors came back in soon after and started administering shots to numb the area around my ankle. The needled immediately triggered an anxiety attack and the scarred man appeared beside me. He held my hand and turned my face towards him so that I wouldn’t look at the needles. They had to wait about 15 minutes for the medication to start working, so they left us alone for those few minutes. “You her boyfriend?” the doctor asked on his way out.

“Yeah. What about it?” The scarred man asked.

“Nothing,” The doctor responded. “Just had to verify.” Then he left us alone.

Istill held his hand as he sat next to me on the bed looking bored. “So uh- boyfriend. I don't think I got your name.” I spoke softly.

“Touya.” He responded.

“I’m Airirozu.” I told him.

When the doctors came back in, they informed me that despite the numbing shots, this would hurt a lot. Touya didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my midsection. “You don't want to see this.” He murmured to me as he pushed my face into his chest. He smelled like ashes, aloe and cigarettes. I’m sure he was right because half a second later there was a snap, crunch then a pop followed by the worst pain I felt in my life. I screamed and clutched at Touya’s shirt as he held me gently.

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