Part 1 Rewrite

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Hinatas Point OF View

The rain dropped down onto me as I walked to practice, currently it is 4:48 AM.
Volleyball starts at 5 AM and ends at 6:57, just so you know, school starts at 7.
I hated school, I was always terrible at it. Volleyball though? I loved it. I dropped off nastu at her daycare 10 minutes ago, so I'm walking on my own for now. She has to go to a daycare because I can't trust my dad to drive her to school. I know I'm gonna see kageyama as soon as I get 3 minutes away from the training gym though, to be honest seeing that meanie is nicer than being at home with HIM. I bet you're wondering who HIM is, well, he's my dad. Ever since mom died, things haven't really been the same.
It was all because of that cursed accident, we just wanted a normal day. My "Father" hasn't always been like this.
He used to be so nice,
So caring,
It's all over though, without mom, he's been a wreck. Can't say I blame him, she kept things in check.
4:56 AM
Im almost there, the place I believe to be heaven. I see kageyama walking on the other side of the street,
4:57 AM
He finally saw me, and now he's crossing the street.
We started walking together and talking about nonsense, "Milk is better!" That silly said.
It was nice just to be near him, that's all I needed. I want to believe I love him, since we're together, but something seems off. He's been ignoring some of my texts, leaving early when we're on dates, etc. Another thing, there's nishinoya, a member of our team! He's super nice, and.. well, when I see him, I get more butterflies in my stomach than I do when I see kageyama. It's weird, right? Anyways, we finally arrived.

5 AM
Kageyama's Point OF View

This dude doesn't have a clue, not one small one. There's this other girl I love, I absolutely adore her. She's evil though, she knows I'm taken and still lets me love her. We've been cheating together for around 5 weeks. Hinata being stupid, hasn't figured it out and I'm starting to believe he never will! Anyways I'm finally here at the training gym. Maybe me and the stupid carrot top can practice the quick attack he SO adores. Though I'm pretty sure it's clear he won't get very far with this volleyball thing.

Hinatas point of view

I heard a voice call my name,
I replied back,
We both ran up to eachother clinging to one another like our lives depended on it. My amazing Upperclassman.
No one can amaze me more than him! And his rolling thunder move is awesome, I really hope he can teach me it!
I should ask.
"Noya senpai?"
"EHAJJDSJSJ SENPAI?" Noya replied,
"Mhmm! Mhm!!" I said,
"Yeah? What's up?" He asked.
"Well I was wondering..... could you, maybe teach me that awesome rolling thunder thing you do?" I said shyly, being bold wasn't something I could just do. I've been shy most of my life.
"Of course!" Noya said, YAY!
"Oi BOKE, get over here so we can practice the quick attack." I heard kageyama say,
I pouted.
"Talk to you later Noya senpai!" I said while running to kageyama.
"Kay!" Noya responded

Everyone then started to walk in and stretched before going to practice what ever they had been practicing,
Meanwhile me and kageyama we're doing the same move over, and over again. Though I kinda just feel like it was mostly me who was looking for hope that it would be mastered quickly before we battle for the nationals.
Even though we're first year rookies, me and kageyama have been quite decent at doing the quick attack,
The coach even tells us so!
There is 7 weeks until we go against the other teams for the nationals. Daichi even said today he would treat us to some meat buns! Yum, but after that, I HAVE to get home.

6:55 AM
Still hinatas point of view

Practice was sadly over and we all had to get back to class, as I was walking out all I could see was darkness before a strong feeling as if I hit the ground.

Suga's point of view

We were all getting ready to head to class when hinata suddenly fainted! I rushed over to him, "GUYS, HINATA FAINTD HELP" I screamed, they all turned towards me and rushed to hinata. Noya said, "ill carry him to the nurse!!"
"Pfft, like you can." Tsukishima replied, "NOT THE TIME TSUKISHIMA" I yelled at him.
He shut up immediately.
Noya then lifted up hinata and ran off, pfft.. to be honest.. I'm also surprised he was able to carry him. That's my boy! Get your man! Ive never really shipped kageyama and hinata, in my mind, Noya and hinata were perfect together.

Noya's point of view

I scooped up hinata and carried him bridal style, I then ran to the nurse's office as fast as I could. His light breathing was all I was focused on, how did he faint? Had he been getting enough sleep? Has hinata been eating enough? There's always a first time for everything I guess. I'm going to, No, I WILL find out why he fainted. As his Upperclassman,
I have to make sure he's alright. I then stopped running and changed to steady walking as I neared the nurse's office, examining his face, I felt the blood rush to my face. I was blushing? But why?

Could it be.. possibly.. No... I don't think it is.

I dropped hinata off at the nurse's office as they took care of him, I walked off to my class and sat in my chair as I wondered the same very question, "Do I like him? Do I like THE hinata?"

1000 words,
Thanks for reading the first chapter of the noyahina upperclassman rewrite!

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