Showing up late but he makes it to class

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Noya pov

My little kouhai was crying and I don't even know the reason, I don't know what's the right way to help him calm down. All I could say was "what happened?"... my kouhai didn't respond for a minute, silence grew.  But I got an answer, "my dad", it was two words. Two words that I could tell something was happening between him and his dad. Maybe even his entire family. "Can you tell me more? I might be able to help." I said. "He's rude to me and my sister, natsu" hinata coughs out, trying to say as much as he could. As if someone was still watching him. I ruffled the little boy's hair and pulled him into an even greater hug. "Don't worry, I'll keep you and your sister safe. But I need permission from you so that I may call the cops on your dad." I say, trying to make my words sound less aggressive about calling the cops on that terrible dad. "Okay.. i just want natsu safe." He says. I then pulled hinata out of the hug and put him so that he is laying down on the bed. "Alright, go to sleep now. We have a big day tomorrow." I said. "Okay.." he said, soon drifting off in a matter of minutes. I had decided to go get a little snack.


I finished eating my snack, and I went back to the room. I laid beside hinata and hugged him the entire night. I think I even saw him smile while sleeping.

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