Hopped in the car

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Hinata pov:

My father glared at me, if looks could kill, I'd be dead a whole lot sooner. He yelled out "I'm coming!" And went back, but not before he slammed my door shut dramatically. I sighed quietly and mentally tried to forget what happened, but physically, I could still feel the pain.
I went back to my bed and tried hard to not make noise, the silence was comfortable and felt safe. I tucked myself into bed and fell asleep within minutes again, I just slept but sleeping helps me forget about things. It's the only time I feel safe, even when he isn't home.


4 am came and I woke up, I had to get ready for school. I got up and changed, and then went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and my teeth, I didn't wanna go to school like I just woke up and was careless to even get ready. When I finished brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror and realized I had a BRUISE on my eye! My school and teammates would totally notice that. I was thinking if I should still go to school, but I didn't wanna miss a single day.

He gets on his broken down but still working bike and rides to school, getting there in 5-10 minutes, not counting or paying attention to time.

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