4. First Class Defence Prep🌸(Soft)

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3rd Person POV

"Welcome to defense class everyone! I am your teacher Ms.Lorey, and I will be teaching you for the rest of the year." The somewhat tall, and slim teacher said.

She had hazel coloured hair to match with her sharp green eyes. She was wearing a uniform that seems to be especially designed for teachers when teaching Martial Arts. She had a lot of energy and enthusiasm and seemed to love exercise.

"In here I have a few rules. Rule #1: everyone here is your friend and/or enemy, so no favourites. Rule #2: You may save people, when you are on teams. We have a nurses office right outside here since it connects the Defense classroom and the Offense class room. Rule #3: everyone is equal, I will treat you all like how I would treat people whilst defending and fighting and I expect the same from ya'll. You should treat me like your classmates and give me the best you got and treat each classmate as if they have the same amout of skill as everyone else." she says the last line with her fist clenched and held up to her face with a determined look.

You skimmed around the class and looked at all the unifroms, then u saw (C/N). He was in a long and loose Karategi, it was white with a red belt, red and gold was your school's colour so it wasnt much of a surprise.

"Today we are going to start with the basics. You will partner up, and I want to see you give them all you got, one person will try to attack the other while your partner will try and dodge them, please do not hit so hard you knock them out, don't go for the head just yet..." The teacher starts as you look around seeing a few of the boys with disappointed faces as you snicker thinking that their plans were to learn how to murder each other.

"Try and go for the body parts that won't hurt as much, I will give you all 1 minute to partner up and when you do, come up to me to get some equipment for protection so that you don't get hurt as much." Ms. Lorey continued to say while walking to the storage room.

You turn over to see if you can find (C/N) and you see him talking to another girl, the girl seem to be blushing a lot and she kept flirting with him, but then you heard what her actual purpose was:

"Hey... do you wanna be partners?" The girl said while blushing, she took his hand and started to drag him away.

To your surprise, (C/N) didn't budge, he stayed in the same spot and didn't move. He didn't have much of an expression, yet you could tell he emitted disappointment.

"Erm... No thank you, I already have a person in mind to be partners with." (C/N) said without changing a face.

"O....Okay then.... Maybe next time?" The girl asked somewhat disappointed.

"Maybe..." (C/N) says as he gives his usual, soft but empathetic smile.

(C/N) walks over to you, as you watch him get closer, the side of your vision blurs, it seems that he just became so much more handsome and pretty, it was as if everything around you didn't matter. All that mattered was his gaze and how he looked at you with a calm and cute smile while walking towards you.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna be partners?" (C/N) asked looking at you for hope that you will want to be partners. You stood there in silence staring at him for a while, but clearly, you knew the answer. Yes.

"I...I'm sorry if you don't wanna be partners.... I'll go now..." (C/N) says as he starts to back away, but suddenly out of instinct, you grab his arm.

"No, I wanna be partners" You say while giving him a small smile. He turns back around and grins widely, beaming a wave of happiness that is so cute it would melt anyone's heart.

"Okay then! Lets go!" (C/N) says as he gently grabs ur arm and pulls you towards the teacher to get your supplies.

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