13. Bet 🌸(Soft)☁️/🍊(Part 1)(Idk what to label this)

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3rd Person POV

This chapter is a really long one, so I split it in half, half in this chapter and the other half in the next one, so if you forget what things are about in the 2nd or 3rd half, you can always come back to this one, as all the chapters were with this personality, though it will not apply to the "tough" alternate universe. Anyways, please enjoy! :))))

(C/N) was sound asleep. At peace and unforeseen. You, on the other hand, were feeling a bit wild. You wanted to do something risky and fun. You wanted to be a daredevil. You had stayed up a bit last night, looking for some risky games to play at home with (C/N). You even made a list for it! You were prepared for this to be a hell of a night.

List of games 😏

-1.Truth or dare

-2. 7-second challenges (Hard)

-3. Never have I ever (if you haven't done it before then you have to do it) Sorry if this is a bit extreme, if you don't want to you can skip those parts

-4. Rock Paper scissors (if you lose you strip or take a drink) Sorry if this is a bit extreme, if you don't want to you can skip those parts

You've considered other games, but these were your top ones. You started to cook breakfast while thinking of prizes and punishments for the game. You started steaming some Chinese buns along with breakfast noodles (Hong Kong does that, Ik cuz I'm Cantonese and the food is really good -w-) You boiled the water and threw in the noodles once it started getting hot. There were loud rumblings and sizzlings coming from the pot and steamers that you didn't notice (C/N) stirring on the bed/mattress.

You didn't notice him opening the door to the bathroom as you start to fry some eggs and ham, even though you can't eat the eggs, you still cook them anyways for the love of cooking and for (C/N).

"Do you want me to help you?" The soft voice, still half asleep but so calm, brings you back down to reality and reminds you of things outside of your comfort kitchen.

"No, it's okay, but thanks for offering," You say, not turning away from your cooking, still focusing on multi-tasking.

"You can go do something else then I guess, I don't want you to get hurt." You say as you wave him off as you take the noodles out and assemble your breakfasts.

While you stuffed your mouth full of food you had talked to (C/N) about what you wanted to do today.

"Do you have anywhere to go in particular today?" You asked (C/N) looking up at him, while he continues to stuff his mouth full of noodles dangling from his mouth.

"Hm?" He says looking up from his food, and even though there were noodles dangling out of his mouth, he still looked adorable. The shine in his eyes, the glimmer in his hair, his adorable confused look as noodles stuffed his mouth like a chipmunk. Oh. My. God. This is too cute!!🥺😍You say as your face blushes as you stare at him with your hands and chopsticks still in the bowl. He slurps up the rest of the food and swallows it and clears his throat to talk again.

"Sorry (Y/N), I didn't quite catch that.... What did you say?" (C/N) says as he looks at you in an innocent confused way. You snap out of your trance of those movie scenes where the character was a walking sparkle bomb (Aoyama) that looked perfect to you.

"Right! Erm... oh yeah! I was going to ask if you were doing anything in particular today?" You ask trying to recollect yourself after what felt like a romantic saga in your mind.

"No, not really, I was going to ask later on if y...you wanted to spend s....some time together?" (C/N) says with an anticipating look on his face.

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