12. A Ring in a Pink wrapper🌸(Soft) ☁️

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3rd Person POV

A ring in a pink plastic wrapper. That's all it takes for you to realize and dig through more into (C/N)'s secret.

It was a Saturday and it was fall. You wake up and realize that you and (C/N) must've fallen asleep studying. You look out of the window to see the small piles of orange and yellow leaves on the floor after falling from the tree branches. You sit up and realize you've fallen asleep on top of (C/N) on the floor next to your textbooks. Jeez, he's so going to end up with back pain because of the bad sleeping positions. You thought, giggling to yourself about his reaction later on. 

(C/N) looked so pure sleeping. He was a literal angel on the floor, still deep in slumber, his body automatically moved. You thought he was waking up from you, so you stayed still, afraid of what's going to happen, but to your surprise, he only pulled you by your waist. 

Before you had time to think, your body thudded to the floor sideways with your back to (C/N). You heard a small groan coming from him as he pulls you closer to him, nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck. 

"Mmmmm.... My dolly....." He groans half asleep. Dolly? Does he still sleep with a doll or something? You wondered in curiosity as you smiled to yourself. You couldn't fall asleep so you reached for your phone and found a few missing texts from your mom. 



Hi honey! How's your day been? I heard from Natalie that (C/N) came over to stay the night? He can stay as long as he wants, just don't do anything, weird honey! Please reply whenever you can! Love you!😘😘😘😘


You blush at the thought that your mom was thinking of something when you and (C/N) were together. You saw a flash of light on (C/N)'s phone and reached for it. It was a notification of his parents saying that they'll be busy until your mom gets back. You internally scream knowing the now (C/N) will be able to stay with you for a while. At this point, you had forgotten that (C/N) was still on you, until you saw a hand reach over and grab the phone. 

"Who is it (Y/N)?" (C/N) says groggily. 

"Oh, it's just your parents saying that you can stay for the week." You say bluntly turning around to face (C/N). 

"Okay.... I'm going to go brush my teeth I guess..." (C/N) says as he sits up. 

For some reason, he still looks so hot even when he just woke up. He gets up to go to the bathroom. You get up to go to your room and get changed, and as you were walking down you hear (C/N) ask:

"(Y/N)? Do you mind helping me get my toothbrush and toothpaste?" You could hear the nervousness in his voice, but you didn't know why. 

"Okay!" You say as you head to his backpack to look for it. You eventually found it, but before you were about to take the toothbrushes back to him, you noticed a few plastic wrapped items. You tried to shrug it off as you head to the bathroom and knocked on the door. You can feel (C/N)'s tense aura as he approaches the door. 

"T...Thanks...." (C/N) says, quickly closing the door. I wonder why he went back to his shy timid side? You wonder as you go to cook breakfast. You were making some pancakes for (C/N) since you didn't know what he liked. 

You both ate breakfast and continued on your Sunday. (C/N) went for a run outside at the park and you were home alone again but your curiosity kept nagging at you about the thing in the bag. You walked over to the bag, zipped it open, and looked for it. Suddenly you felt a plastic feel, happy with your discovery you took it out, but your smile immediately faded away. 

It looked like a small ring in a pink plastic wrapper, but for some reason, you already knew what it was. Condom. That was what it was, you wondered if he had planned this all along as you started to blush wildly. Suddenly the doorbell rang, you quickly stuffed it back into his bag as you headed for the door. Your blush quickly increased as you saw (C/N) in his sportswear coming back looking tired but still really hot. 

"Thanks..." (C/N) says as he walks in. He walks to the bathroom to get cleaned up and changed back into his normal clothes. You sat down on the sofa still a bit deep in thought, wondering why there would be a condom in his bag. Was it his parents? Was he planning something on me? Right after this thought, your face blushed even wilder. No, it can't be, right? You tried to shake the thought as (C/N) came out of the bathroom. 

"Are you okay? You've been blushing ever since I came back from the run! Did I do something?" (C/N) says looking worried, feeling your head for fever, and getting REALLY close to your face. Your blush intensified as you stuttered for an answer. 

"W...Well... It's... N... Well... Uh.....I-     Erm...." You stay, stumbling over your words, desperately trying to mutter an answer. Ugh! Why can't I say anything right now!  You thought, the idea making you more furious, that (C/N) is so cute that he has the ability to make you speechless.

"Well... It's okay if you can't say anything right now... I get how that feels... feeling nervous around people..." (C/N) says reassuringly and understandingly.

"Just tell me whatever is on your mind anytime, or if you want u can just signal to me." He says smiling and pulling you into a hug, comforting you with head pats. You smile to yourself, your heart-melting from his adorableness (if that's a word).  You decided that you shouldn't ruin the moment by pointing out his condoms.

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