10. Stay Behind 🌸(Soft)🍊

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3rd Person POV

It was afterschool when the teacher had called you over when you and (C/N) were packing up.

"Can you do me a favour?" The teacher asks.

"Sure" You reply wanting to say no, but fearing that if u had, you would be in trouble.

"Can you help me clean the classroom after school? I have an important meeting." He addresses while handing you the keys to the classroom.

"Here are the keys if you ever get locked in, and also the materials are in the janitor's closet." The teacher says pointing towards behind him.


It was after class and you see the teacher hurry out of the classroom with documents in his arms, leaving you in the classroom along with a few other students that were packing up and leaving. You look around and spot the girl with the black ponytail that you saw from the beginning of the year. She was talking to Trixie and it seems that they were planning something, but you couldn't tell by their tone of voice whether what they were talking about were good or bad.

You look around and there doesn't seem to be any other students around until you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn your head around a bit to see (C/N) looking down at you.

"I heard you were staying behind to help clean the classroom. So Nora, Trixie and I decided that we're going to help you." (C/N) says while looking in the direction of Trixie and Nora.

So that's her name.... Nora, the one in the black ponytail. You thought to yourself, realizing how unsocial you were since it took you a few weeks to find her name.

You look over to them, and they notice you, so they turn to you and smile whil ewalking towards you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Trixie says waving to you, while Nora heads to talk to (C/N).

"Hi" you say blandly.

"Lets get cleaning guys! The faster we finish the faster I can get my food!" Nora yells from behind you, standing next to (C/N).

You all head to the janitor's closet. You take a few rags, while Nora and Trixie took brooms and (C/N) took a plastic bag and clamps to pick up the trash. You all head back to the classroom and look around.

This place looks trashed! How does Mr. Nakamura clean the classroom by himself?! You thought, scanning around and seeing trash, dirt and gunk everywhere.

You guys start cleaning, and while you were cleaning the windows, you had to step onto a chair to reach the top, while the chair was wobbly, you thought it was okay. (C/N) didn't think so though.

"You're going to fall from there! Be careful!" He says looking up at you with concern in his eyes.

"I'll be fine! See?" You say as you finish cleaning the last window and hop off of the chair to look back up at him, grinning a bit mischievously.

"Okay then.... Just be careful." He says still with concern and skepticism in his words.

He turns around to leave, as you wander around the classroom cleaning the tables. You're in the middle of the classroom with Nora and Trixie leaving to "get some more supplies", but you notice they left with mischievous giggles. While you are cleaning (C/N) starts to shuffle closer to you to pick up trash. Suddenly you fall backwards and closed your eyes for embrace incase if you hit your head on a table edge, but the hit never came. You open your eyes and see that (C/N) has caught you in the style people would spin while dancing salsa.

"Are you okay? I told you to be careful!" (C/N) says lookin even more worried as he looked into your eyes with both annoyance and concern.

You wanted to respond to him but you were too mesmerized into staring at his eyes. His freckles, his hair just perfectly swept out of his face, his glimmering eyes. You just kept staring at him without a response. You snap out of your admiring trance and realize that his face was getting closer to yours.

Omg! Is this really happening?! You thought, watching him get closer to you.

The gap between your faces closes as your lips touch and his one hand supports your back, pulling you up while the other hand holds onto your face. You reach out your hands to wrap around his neck as you both close your eyes. While your lips were connected together by intimacy, (C/N) pulls your weight back onto your legs as he puts his free hand onto your waist, the other one still holding your head.

He was quite respectful and gentle, as he didn't ask for entrance unless you had been given permission to, in which he had just kept his lips shut but still on your own lips.

You pull away after a few seconds for air as you look at each other. You smile up at him and a moment of awkwardness descends upon you guys. You decide to let the awkwardness go away. You wrap your hands around his stomach and press your face into his chest nervously. 

"H.... Hey (Y/N)?" He asks while wrapping his hands around your chest.

"Yah?" You ask looking up a bit see him look down at you, not releasing his grip.

"I.... kind of...." He starts but suddenly you hear a loud band and turn around to see the door wide open with Trixie half squatting in exitement and Nora peeking through the doorway. 

"OH MY GOD! I knew it!!! Look Nora! They're hugging!" Trixie yells while pointing at you guys, screaming. 

"Yah.... hehe" Nora says a bit quieter looking away.

As Trixie screams, both you and (C/N) immediately detach from each other and look awkwardly away as Trixie scrambles through the desks coming at full speed towards you two.

As Trixie was about to tackle you, you stop her by grabbing her shoulders before she head butts into your stomach. 

"Hey.... Calm down! Lets clean the classroom first" You say trying to distract her as if she were a lost child.  

"Hmpf! Fine...." Trixie says huffing and turning back to Nora to grab the supplies and finish cleaning the classroom.


After finishing cleaning the classroom, Trixie and Nora left earlier chatting away and left you and (C/N) together to put away the cleaning materials. You both leave the school afterwards walking quietly side by side not talking much. 

You both reach your house and as you were about to open the door, you felt (C/N)'s hand grabbing your wrists, spinning you around and kissing you again, you were a bit surprised at first and kept your eyes wide, but soon after seeing him with his eyes closed, you slowly melt into the kiss as well.

He was a bit more aggressive this time, obviously craving more, but still trying to be gentle. He moved both of his hands to your waist, as you move one of yours to his shoulder and the other onto his chest. You could feel his muscles and abs through the shirt when your hand was on his chest. The kiss was both gentle and passionate, it made your stomach flare up with butterflies as you couldn't believe that your crush is kissing you, and that they want you that badly.

You wanted to pull away for air, in which you did, but soon was pulled back into the kiss by (C/N) who had continued to kiss you gently, yet still respecting your space and not forcing into you. 

You both pull away for air as you look up to him and grin widely, looking at him. He quickly backs up a bit, looking a bit worried. 

"E...ermmm..... S... See you tomorrow!" (C/N) says while turning back and heading home.

"O....Okay! See you!" You shout back seeing that he was leaving in a rather fast past.

You could taste there was a sweet chapstick scent left behind on your lips, yet you knew that he never wears scented chapsticks. And that was when you realized something. 

The chapstick, the teacher, the girls walking out. It was all planned..... He's so sneaky and smart hehe....  You giggle to yourself thinking that having him around was amazing, considering him still being smart and charming while being sleek and sneeky, while walking up the stairs back to your apartment.

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