6. Meeting You 🔥(Tough)

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3rd person POV

Class had all been let out and (C/N) was walking and talking to you, going to lunch. You both got your food, you got a bowl of salad with a hot dog and you both sat down at a lunch table and talked about your childhoods. Suddenly, a boy with medium-lengthed hair came over to the table and slammed his hands on it.

"(C/N)! Already got a girlfriend i see?" He says with a sense of humour, quite loudly.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He says a bit pissed off, but you could definetly tell his ears were red.

"What is she then? Your cousin?" He looks at (C/N) while starting to crack up from his own joke.

"She's just my friend." (C/N) said coldly. He had a bit of blush on his face, except no one could see since he turned his head away.

'Just friends' huh? We'll see about that.... You thought. The word 'Friend' had a sharp cut, but had eventually faded after a while.

"Anyways.... Can I sit with ya'll?" He asked

"Whatever" (C/N) replied looking back down at his food.

"Hi (Y/N)! I'm Goujiro." He reaches his hand towards you. You take his hand and shake it, but out of the corner of your eye, you swore you could've seen him glare at Gourjiro.

Gourjiro was a bit taller than (C/N),  he was fit but had a weird shaped head. He wore a sports jersey the colour of white with sporty shorts. When you took his hand he smiled a bit and had a bit of a grin

"So..... (C/N)" Goujiro started as he looked at (C/N) with a mischievous grin as he turns his head 90 degrees.

"What." (C/N) said with a bit of a pissed off look on him.

"If she isn't your girlfriend...." Goujiro started, while holding his hand out flat towards you, kind of like showing you to him, but still keeping a gaze on (C/N).

"Then you wouldn't mind me doing this...." Goujiro said as he leaned closer to your face, attempting to kiss you, but stops just before. Even though he was so close, he leaned in close enough to convince (C/N) that you were kissing him, but he only did wink at you but didn't actually touch you.

"Bro! Get off of her! What the fuck?!" (C/N) said as he tried to stop you to. You both turn towards him. You were surprised that he came to defend you while Goujiro just had a sly grin on his face.

"I'm just kidding! Chill out man! I didn't kiss her" Goujiro had said, laughing like a clown and slapping his hand on the table in laughter.

"Whatever" (C/N) says as he turns away, arms folded on his chest and huffs. You can still hear Goujiro laughing histerically in the background

"What's wrong with you? Sniffed too much laughing gas?" (C/N) says half jokinly trying to hide the fact that he was pissed off.

You burst out laughing along with Goujiro, but when you looked up, it seems that (C/N) was already heading off to his next class. You quickly dry up your tears of laughter and run after him.

"(C/N)! Wait up!" You shouted to him as he starts to slow down his walking.

"Sorry about that! Haha.... it was just too funny!" You say while patting his back and walking alongside him. You look at him and you look at his

"Whatever... Lets just go." (C/N) say as he drags you towards exit.

"What's the rush? We still have 10 minutes" You asks starting to seem a bit worried and confused.

We.... That sounds nice, just me and (C/N). Maybe we can use that more in the future....

"Why not? The earlier the better...." (C/N) says taking your hand and walking a bit fast paced as he walks with you through the hallway. You notice he is holding your hand quite loosely so that you won't get hurt, but not loose enough for you to be able to run free. As you walk past the hallways, there were a few stares and sometimes you would even look at them in the eyes and look away quickly since you didn't want to make any eye contact, but rather, just to focus on how (C/N) was holding your hand and how you guys were walking down the hallways like an official couple. Just by thinking of that, made you get butterflies in your stomach and made you have a sort of silly-stupid grin.

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