13. Suspicious🔥(Tough)

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3rd Person POV

You and (C/N) drop by his house, because he had forgotten something at his house, he goes in as you stay outside, on your phone playing some indie game while waiting for him to get his things. It was quite quiet in the house and you didn't even know if his parents were home. You felt a queasy feeling in your chest as if something wasn't right, but you just shook the feeling off. After a good 10 minutes, (C/N) came out with a large backpack, as he props it to where he usually has space for his feet on the motorcycle.

"Come on let's go." He says. You quickly close your game, as you stuff your phone into your pocket, starting to get the uneasy feeling again while you hop on with (C/N). Right as you were about to leave, you see a figure in (C/N)'s house, with no lights on. Is that one of his parents? Oh well, it probably is, nothing to be suspicious about I guess. You thought to yourself as you shook the uneasiness off, but it never fully went away.

You both take a quick stop at your house and you took the chance to ask (C/N) about things.

"Hey... Was there anybody at your house just now?" You ask, innocently while turning your keys in the doorknob as you enter the house not turning your gaze away.

"Well, my 2 cousins will help take care of the house, one girl, 5 and the other is a guy, 16, they should be there by 5." He replies blandly as he drags his things through the doorway, shutting the door.

You thought nothing of it as you headed to the bathroom to wash your hands and change into something comfortable (Remember to wash your hands, kids! haha) while (C/N) unpacks his things.

"Do you have any spare rooms? Or do you want me to sleep on the couch?" You can hear (C/N) shout from behind the bathroom door. You quickly dry your hands as you reach for the doorknob but was quickly stopped when you feel an impact and a shudder from the door hitting something.

You looked up to see (C/N) knocked onto the floor, sitting down and rubbing his forehead where there was a huge red mark.

"Oh my god! What happened? I went to the bathroom and come out seeing you hurt? How are you this accident-prone? It's quite impressive that you can do this within 2 minutes! I know you're my boyfriend but you still have to be more careful!" You sassed him like a mother scolding his child while crouching down and rubbing his forehead where there were a few red marks.

"You idiot! You slammed the door in my face, of course, I have a red mark." (C/N) says shouting back at you but started to trail off as he turned his head away from you suddenly bursting into a huge blush.

Your face displayed confusion as you looked around behind you but found nothing.

"Go put some pants on dummy...." (C/N) says while turning around, crouched as a ball on the floor.

Your face immediately flushed as you looked down that you were only in your shirt and your underwear. You're usually home alone and are used to wearing short and loose pants, so it practically felt weightless and you forgot your pants were still in the bathroom. You quickly ran into the bathroom mumbling sorry on the way while trying to cover your face that was now redder than the sunset.

When you came out you opened the door gently this time hoping not to hit (C/N) to the point of unconsciousness.

"Sorry about that, and no, we don't have any spare rooms, so if you want you can either sleep in my room with me or I can go to my parent's room." You said bluntly while helping (C/N) onto his feet.

"You don't have to sleep in your parent's room I guess, I'm used to sleeping with people because of all my relatives coming over to our house, so I guess sharing a room with you wouldn't be as bad as them." (C/N) says as he starts to unpack his bag.

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