The pink haired girl

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Hey guys this is my first fanfic so please be nice. If you have any advice please do comment. Otherwise enjoy. I may come back to edit this and other chapters in the near future. Keep a look out for announcements and changes within the story. Don't worry I will let you know

WARNING: There will be parts about abuse and neglect within this story, if you are sensitive to the subject then please skip I will mark the chapters that do have any forms of abuse within it. If you are suffering from abuse yourself then reach out for help, there are plenty of organizations out there who are prepared to help you in your situation, there is childline, Samaritans, Kidscape, youngminds and plenty more. Please do reach out for help you deserve better than this.

The five year old girl is eating her breakfast bright and early with her mother and father. No one has said a word since they sat down. As soon as the little girl was done with her food, her mother blankly stated "clean the dishes. Now!" as she and her husband stood up and walked out of the front door closing it behind them, not looking at the little girl or even saying a word.

The little girl stood and walked towards the sink and cleaned the dishes. She then got changed, wearing a pink top with dark green shorts, and walked out of the house locking the door behind her.

She walked absent mindedly around the village of Konoha not paying attention to the stares and whispers of the villagers.

"Look it's that pink haired freak."

"Such creepy eyes."

"You stay away from that child. Do you understand?" "But why mum? And why does she have pink hair?" the boy asked his mother with a confused look. "Because she is a monster. Do not trust anyone with no natural hair colour, no matter what!" answered the women walking her son away from the small girl.

The little girl continued walking until she noticed a group of young girls her age surrounding the swings at a park. Curious as to what they were looking at, she approached them from behind and peeked through the small bodies. Looking through she noticed a young boy with blonde hair with amazing blue eyes wearing an orange top and black shorts. The other boy had black hair with eyes that put you straight into a trance who was wearing a dark blue top with white trousers. They both had annoyed faces trying to avoid the girls reaching arms attempting to touch and hug them. Eventually the dark eyed boy fell down and a swarm of girls approached him, his face went from annoyed to pure terror and fear. The pink haired girl noticed and did not hesitate. She shoved through the group and stood in front of the boy with her arms and body blocking the way. "Who the hell are you?" one girl screamed with fury in her eyes. "Why won't you leave them alone. Can't you see their scared?" announced the girl with determination. "Hah, you don't know who they are do you? And what's with the pink hair and the creepy eyes?" yelled another girl pointing her finger. The little girl said nothing.

The blue eyed boy ran towards her with another mob of girls behind him, the little girl noticed, turned grabbed both of the boys wrists and ran straight into the forest behind the park. They ran and ran and ran and ran until they were out of breath. They could still hear the screaming of the mob of girls until the pink haired girl noticed a small cave and dragged the two boys into it. "Shhhhh" she said and the boys stayed silent staring at her. The mob ran past them and they all sighed in relief in unison.

"Thanks pinky, you saved us" yelled the blue eyed boy. Sakura sat crossed legged and folded her arms across her chest "hmph. My name isn't pinky blondie, it's Sakura, Haruno Sakura and you better not call me pinky again got it?" giving off a death stare and a dark aura the blonde boy got on his hands and knees and bowed vigorously and nervously said "yes ma'am it won't happen again". "Hmph. Good. Now who are you? And why were those girls trying to grab and hug you?" she asked with curiosity and worry in her bright emerald eyes. The two boys just stared at her eyes and hair, amazed and entranced by them. "Oh... well, I'm Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki, I'm the fourth hokage's son and so a lot girls think I'm cool and super strong and just want to cling to me because I'm his son. It's really annoying" Naruto stated with annoyance and sadness in his eyes "I just want people to treat me as Naruto, a normal five year old boy and not the son of the hokage and expect me to live up to his expectations" he stated staring at the ground with a depressed look. "Ah I see, I apologise for not recognising you earlier, I should have known with the blonde hair and blue eyes, you look so much like him". Sakura stated with sympathy and a soft smile. "What about you. I'm guessing your an Uchiha with those eyes, their so pretty" she smiled softly once again at the lightly blushing Uchiha. "I...I'm Uchiha Sauske. Thank you for your help. But... why are you not like all the other girls? So far every girl Iv'e seen or met is always trying to get my attention. So why not you?" He asked with a suspicious look. "Sakura sighed and leaned back against the wall. "If you think I'm gonna trick you into thinking I don't care about you then end up like them and use you for my own gain because of who you are? Then I'm sorry to disappoint you but that's not gonna happen, why would I want to fan girl over two boys that I don't know. I may know your names but I don't know the person himself, get it?" questioned Sakura staring at the Uchiha.

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