What is going on?

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Kakashi and Minato were in Sakura's hospital room along with a doctor "I'm going to be honest with you, I have no idea what the hell happened to her. I believe her mind was attacked" stated the doctor flipping over Sakura's medical record. "Her mind was attacked? Will she need therapy?" asked Kakashi with deep concern, team 7 wasn't anything without Sakura. "We'll have to wait until she gets up. I will have to ask her family if she has experienced anything traumatic. A traumatic memory could of popped in her head causing her to collapse but it doesn't explain why she was severely shaking and sweating, they are usually symptoms of an illness."


Kakashi and Minato walked out of her room to see a concerning Sasuke and Naruto waiting impatiently. "Well is she okay? Is she up?" asked Naruto swiftly. "No she's not up yet. I'll be honest the doctor is not entirely sure what happened. It seems to be something to do with her mind. Do you guys know if Sakura was acting strange at any point?" asked Minato with a serious look. "Well... before and during our C-rank mission Sakura was out of it and she had a terrified look. When we asked her about it she just said she was nervous. Then it happened again just before the second round of the chunin exams started, when she was staring at the confirmation sheet she zoned out like she was thinking intensly about something. Again when we asked her she said it was just nerves but a little more coldly than usual". stated Sasuke looking right at Kakashi and Minato. "Yea that's true and then there's this whole Orochimaru thing going on as well" said Naruto looking at the door to Sakura's room.

They were all silent until Minato asked "where are her parents?", just as he said that two figures approached them from down the hall. Minato saw them and believed they were her parents. "Are you Mr and Mrs Haruno?", "yes we are. How is Sakura?" Sakura's father asked plainy with hardly any worry heard in his voice. "They are not sure. The doctors believe it may be phycological. Did Sakura ever experience any trauma or has she been attacked or threaten by anyone?" asked Minato looking at them with slight suspicion. "No, none that we are aware of" answered Mrs Haruo looking towards Sakura's door. "I see. Just one more thing. Orochimaru mentioned that Sakura was sold to him! Do you know anything about this?" asked Minato with a slightly more aggressive tone. Mr and Mrs Haruno flinched slightly at the question and both slightly looked away. "May we see our daughter now?" asked Mr Haruno giving the hokage a threatening look.

The tension between them could be cut with a knife thought Naruto. "Yes of course" spoke Minato letting them through. "What was that about?" asked Sasuke as soon as Sakura's parents closed the door. " I don't know but I'll find out" stated Minato.


Sakura and her parents are in her hospital room with Sakura still unconscious. "The hokage is on to us. We need to disappear. We'll meet up with Orochimaru by the passage and leave the village tonight." whispered Sakura's father Kizashi. Her mother Mebuki simply nodded staring at her unconscious daughter.


Back at the Hokages office later in the evening Minato and the rest of team 7 were alone, "Naruto and Sasuke since you are on the same team as Sakura you will need to keep your guard up" as soon as Minato finished speaking the door swung wide open to reveal an angered Shisui and Itachi standing behind him. "Is Sakura okay, what can we do to help" yelled Shisui worrying about his student. "Calm yourself Shisuie she's in the hospital and it seems that Sakura may have been through a traumatic experience and so her mind essentially attacked itself. Shisui, Itachi I understand that the both of you have just gotten back from a mission but I am low on ninja who are still searching for Orochimaru and tightening security around the village but I must ask you to guard Sakura for now. Is this okay with you?" asked Minato looking at the two ANBU. "We will" stated Itachi with everyone now looking at him "of course we will, don't worry we won't let anything happen to her" continued Shisui with determination in his eyes. "HEY, WHAT ABOUT US? WE WANNA HELP SAKURA TOO!" stated Naruto aggresivly. "I understand your frustration Naruto but you and Sasuke could both be targets as well which is why neither of you can go anywhere on your own. You both need escorts until this is resolved. I command you to comply. Now both of you head home and go out only if it is absolutely necessary. Sasuke you'll be safe within the Uchiha compound and Naruto no one will ever think about attacking with your mother involved".

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