It's nearly time

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At Orochimaru's hideout

"You have grown quite a bit, you really did destroy that village. It won't be long until she's out now" hissed Orochimaru with an emotionless Sakura standing behind him along with Kabuto. "Having you train with Tsunade was a brilliant idea, and I must congratulate on your acting skills, you fooled a legendary Sanin and that is particulary hard to achieve with Tsunade" Orochimaru turned to face the pinkette and gestured her to lie down on the table once again "come Sakura, let's see how close we are?" he said gathering the equipment. Sakura said nothing and layed down , with Orochimaru and Kabuto attaching the wires to her head once again.

a few hours later Sakura was unconciouss on the table and Kabuto and Orochimaru were looking at the results from the experiment. "Seems we're very close, I think if we made her kill again that will do it. I can suggest another small village that no one cares about? This time I think we can make her go alone. I'll stay a distance away incase something happens" announced Kabuto looking at Orochimaru. "Yes that is a good idea, then this power will be mine" he hissed with a smirk. "Get rid of the rouges they are of no more use for us anymore. You and Sakura will leave tomorrow. We need to let her body recover so she can put her all in" he then stated as Kabuto went to deal with the rouge ninjas.

With the search team

"Anything?" asked Kakashi feeling tired from all of the searching. "Unfortunatly not. This guy is clever when it comes to hiding" stated Shisui starting to get frustrated. "Over here!" yelled Sasuke. Everyone went over to him and looked at the same tree as him "what? I don't see anything!" said Naruto examing the tree. Sasuke traced his finger over the bark of the tree and formed a shape. "Look, I think it's a symbol. It's a circle with what looks like a snake inside of it" stated Sasuke. "So, nature does mysterious things" stated Itachi. "Sakura's clan symbol is a circle and besides it's too well done for it to be done by nature, and it looks like someone has carved it in, they did it lightly so that everyone thought it was just the tree and the snake could mean Orochimaru. It must be around here somewhere" explained Sasuke now looking round to find an opening or something out of the ordinary.

Kakashi went closer to the symbol and saw the snakes head pointing downwards. Kakashi looked down and examined the bottom of the tree. He traced his finger over the bark and found a hole. He pushed his finger in further and heard a click. All of a sudden the ground beneath him started sliding. Kakashi jumped back and everyone had weapons at the ready. The hatch opened and nothing happened. "Lets go" ordered Kakashi as he started walking down the stairway.

They reached a corridor but it was dimley lit with fire. Itachi went to examine the the torch and noticed it was lit up not long ago, "they must still be here, these fires were lit up recently" he stated and everyone continued down the hallway with caution. They came to a door and prepared to attack. Kakashi grabbed the door handle and opened the door slightly. He looked through the crack and couldn't see anyone. He opened the door fully and walked in.

They were in a laboratory with large containers of a liquid and some not fully developed babies yet. "I guess this is where Sakura was born?" muttered Naruto with sadness. Kakashi and Itachi started searching records, whilst Shisui guarded the door and Naruto and Sasuke looked at the equipment. "Hmm. It seems Sakura wasn't the only one, there were others" he stated as he placed notes and pictures on a table for everyone to see. The pictures were of young boys and girls who looked no older than two or three. "What is wrong with this guy?" asked Naruto picking up a note, it read..

So far all of my test subjects have died between the ages of two and three. Subject SAK-0 is the only one to be in a stable condition since birth and has passed the age of three without much trouble. She will be given to my sister and her husband for them to continue with small experiments to see how far her mind will last, Orochimaru will eventually get to her and release the power. It will take time but it will be worth it.

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