The Attack

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"Alright, lets stop here for the night. Use the lake to wash up. Naruto, Hinata gather some fire wood" ordered Kakashi. "I'm gonna top up the water" announced Sakura gathering all of the water bottles. "I'll help" stated Sasuke taking a couple of the bottles. As they were filling up the bottles Sasuke asked "are you nervous?" Sakura smiled and answered "of course I am. My whole life there has been another person inside of my head, it also looked like she knows me more than I knew her. But no matter what tricks she or Orochimaru pull I will beat them" she said with a determined look.

They both arrived back at the campsite with a fire and Kakashi laying out a map. "Okay, everyone listen up. Once we get to the meet up point Sakura will lead from there. If not then we'll head to that destroyed village near the land of waves and see what we can do from there. However if Sakura does remember and we arrive at Orochimaru's hideout then the element of surprise will be crucial. Mask your chakras and sneak up on the enemy. Hinata and Sakura deal with Kabuto once your done help me with Orochimaru. Naruto Sasuke you two deal with Scarlet. Remember we don't know what she is capable of so best to take her down as soon as you can, use the chakra restraints" ordered Kakashi looking at his team.

"By the way sensei where did Itachi and Shisui end up?" questioned Sakura knowing they would of wanted to come on the mission as well. "They were given a mission elsewhere. The hokage didn't have any other hands so he had to send them. Don't worry he said he'll send them as soon as they come back" stated Kakashi leaning back against a tree. Sakura nodded in understanding. "Lets get some rest, teme will take the first watch" yawned Naruto as he went into a deep sleep snoring loudly. Sasuke pouted with frustration "dobe".


The next day the team arrived at the spot where they found Sakura, Orochimaru and Mr Zabuna. "Alright Sakura. Do you remember anything?" questioned Kakashi turning to her. "Give me a minute" she said walking past him and looking round the areas. As Sakura was looking round Kakashi turned to Hinata and asked "Hinata can you scan the area? If Orochimaru arrived here often to meet with the doctor then there may be traces of them?". "I'll have a look" she stated activating the byakugan and looking round. "If we keep moving in this direction, the area will come back to me and I can get us to Orochimaru's hideout" stated Sakura pointing further into the forest. "She's right, I can see old footprints heading that way, I think they might be yours Sakura? Maybe you weren't completely locked up in your head afterall?" stated Hinata cheerfully. "Alright then lets get moving, everyone mask your chakra the best you can from here on out" ordered Kakashi and the team left in a sprint jumping from branch to branch


"Sakura how close do you think we are?" asked Naruto looking around the area. "Not far I remember training in this area. There!" she stated quietly and stopped a few trees away from a small clearing ahead of them. "Alright, you all know your targets. Now go find them" ordered Kakashi. With that they all vanished and made their way into the base. They all separated with Kakashi heading towards Orochimaru's lab along with Hinata and Sakura whilst Naruto and Sasuke walked deeper into the base.

With Hinata, Sakura and Kabuto

Sakura and Hinata were running silently to Kabuto's labortary and saw him lying down unconscious on the floor. "What happened to him?" questioned Hinata. Sakura kneeled down with glowing green hands "wired. It looks like most of his chakra is gone, but I don't think it was from a fight. I think it was obsorbed" stated Sakura as she started tying Kabuto up in chakra strings. Lets go check on Kakashi, if my hunch is correct then I believe Scarlet did this". Hinata gave her a confused look and asked "why do you think Scarlet did this?" Sakura sighed and said "when she was leaving my mind I could feel most of my Chakra being pulled away her as well. I think she did the same with Kabuto. I think she has the power to obsorb other peoples chakra and this will be a huge issue". They both then made their way to find Kakashi.

I have pink hair! So what!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora