One Year Later

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With Shisui and Itachi

"It's time we head back. It's been a year, unless you want to keep going?" questioned Itachi looking pass the other ANBU members and looking straight at Shisui. They had stopped at a small village not far from Suna. "No, we should head back and give the hokage the details we have. So far all we know is that a small group of rouge ninja were seen travelling together which is highly unusual, and the spy from this village that followed them heard Orochimaru's name. I must admit after a year I would've thought we'd have more information" stated Shisui blankly looking down at his glass of water. "Well if Naruto and Sasuke join us they may be able to help. A pair of fresh eyes is always useful, maybe they'll see something we missed" stated Itachi getting up from his seat. "We'll stay the night then leave at dawn tomorrow, I've already notified the leader of the village, I have also sent word to the kazekage of the sand village of our arrival. Now get some rest" ordered Itachi as he walked out back towards the inn.

Everyone else followed Itachi not long after. Shisui was the last to leave and the only one to pay the bill. "Geez, Itachi owes me for the number of times I've payed for the bill" Shisui muttered to himself. Shisui continued walking down the streets of the small village and saw everyone enjoying themselves. It reminds him of the times he would spend with Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke. He loved spending time with them as well as teasing them.

He then bumped into a woman "ah..I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" apollogiesd Shisui helping the woman picking up her bags of shopping "oh, no it's fine, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings thank you young man" replied the woman. As the both stood up Shisui got a clear view of what the woman looked like. She looks familiar, well it is a small village so I've probably seen her around, but still there's something about her that's very familiar. Thought Shisui trying to figure it out. "Ah Mebuki there you are, let me help you with the shopping" announced a middle aged man walking up to them "ah Kizashi thank you, we'll be having fish tonight" said the woman smiling at her husband. She then turned back to Shisui and said "I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier and thank you for helping me with my shopping." and with that they left Mebuki? Kizashi? But...aren't they? I have to check. Thought Shisui as he started running back to the inn.

Shisui barged through the doors startling the others and he immediately went to the scroll with the details of the mission. "What are you doing?" asked Itachi giving Shisui a confused look. "Sakura's parents names, they were Mebuki and Kizashi right?" yelled Shisui looking through the scroll. "Yes they are. Why?" questioned Itachi. Just as Itachi answered Shisui found the names on the scroll. "Their here" said Shisui now running back outside.

Itachi and the others had caught up to him. "Are you sure you saw them?" asked Itachi hurridly. "Yes, I bumped into Mebuki then her husband called out to her with her name and she answered back with his and the old man had pinkish hair, similar to Sakuras" stated Shisui looking round frantically. "When we parted ways, I saw them head in this direction. The towns small so we should be able to find them quickly" said Shisui now looking into the houses. "Alright, you two head that way, you guys head this way, I'll go with Shisui, arrest them on the spot and meet us outsides the villages leaders office" ordered Itachi and went off to catch up with Shisui.

After some peeking into homes later, they finally found Mebuki and Kizashi. "Here they are. How do you want to do this?" asked Shisui as he was regaining his composure. "I'll head in through the front door, you take the window at the side. Looks like they won't be able to escape through the otherside it's up against a back wall". Itachi ordered and they proceeded.

As Mebuki and Kizashi were about to eat Itachi smashed the door down with his foot and threw a kunai at each of them successfully hitting one of their arms. Shisui smashed through the window and landed ontop of Kizashi as Itachi pinned Mebuki to the ground and said "you are under arrest by the hidden leaf village. Cooperate and no one will get hurt" with an aggressive tone. "DAMN YOU" yelled Kizashi struggling under Shisui's grip.

I have pink hair! So what!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant