The Pain

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With Sakura

Sakura could hear people talking but couldn't make out the words. She slowly opened her eyes as she realised her body felt really heavy. At first everything was a blur but her eyes managed to adjust to the lighting, the first thing she saw was "Mum?Dad?" Sakura questioned as their backs were turned to her clearly talking to someone infront of them. They both turned when they heard her and Sakura saw Orochimaru and a man with his hair tied up in a pony tail standing there as well now all looking at her.

"Ah, looks like pinky is awake. Here is your payment" announced Orochimaru handing them a small sack. "Thank goodness, 13 years with this useless subject and we're finally free" stated Sakura's mother Mebuki now looking away from Sakura.

"What is...going...on?" questioned Sakura still feeling sleepy whilst trying to figure out the situation. "You'll be staying with Orochimaru and myself for now on, ah yes my name is Kabuto nice to meet you subject SAK-0" answered Kabuto with a creepy sweet smile, looking down at her.

Sakura lifted herself up with the palm of her hands, now managing to regain some of her strength, looking towards her parents. They were now walking out of the room with Sakura faintly saying "wait...wait...where...are you..going?....Why?" she continued to question herself in her head until Orochimaru said "from now on you will work for me. You will do what I say no matter what, or else we'll go after your friends and kill them. Understand?" Orochimaru smirked glaring at the pinkette. "" Sakura could not figure out what Orochimaru wanted from her, she was scared she just wanted to go home. "That's on a need to know basis, you'll find out soon enough. Now kabuto will show you to your room and if you ever disobey me you will be punished".


Sakura was walking down a dark narrow hall along with Kabuto. Her body still felt heavy and she was feeling light headed as well. She looked down at her hands and realised she couldn't use her chakra. "You'll only be able to use your chakra during training and missions. We've placed a seal on your hands so that you can't use your chakra, the only one who can undo it is myself and Orochimaru" announced Kabuto still walking ahead. Sakura wanted to know more but she was too tired and confused to ask any more questions.


They then walked into a small room with just a bed in the corner and a small desk at the other side along with a wardrobe. There was another door next to the bed which to led to a small bathroom. "This is where you will be staying. You will leave when we tell you to, and eat when we tell you to. Now drink this it will make you feel normal again" stated Kabuto giving Sakura a small cup with a purple liquid in it. Sakura was suspicious of it but she didn't have much of a choice so she drank it. "Good, there are some clothes in the wardrobe for you. Now stay here until one of us comes and gets you" and with that Kabuto left a confused, terrified, tired Sakura Haruno.


Back in Konoha Village

"Dad what do we need to do to help find Sakura? We'll do anything" Naruto desperately announced looking at the hokage behind his desk. "We can't just wait here. She's our teammate and best friend, we have to go get her back" announced Sasuke angrily glaring at the hokage. Kakashi stood behind them and looked at the two boys and thinking how much he also wants to go get Sakura back as well. "Right now, it is far too dangerous for you to be involved, especially with Orochimaru in the mix. All you can do is train and start A and B ranked mission as soon as you can" announced Minato leaning back against his chair.

"Then give us a B rank mission now and we'll finish it no problem" screamed Naruto creating fists. "No, your not ready yet. You may have to wait a year or two" announced Kakashi from behind. The two boys turned to look at their sensei who had such sadness in his eyes. "Damn it. I thought we were strong" muttered Sasuke to himself not knowing Kakashi heard him. "You are strong but I know how dangerous higher ranked missions are, they'll be more like and possibly more dangerous than that C rank mission we did. Do you want something bad to happen to you? If something bad happens then it'll take that much longer to save Sakura. And don't forget Shisui and Itachi are out there looking for Sakura right now and I'm sure you know just as well as I do that those two never give up" said Kakashi giving the boys hope. Sasuke and Naruto nodded their heads in acknowledgement and they both said "lets get training".

With Shisui and Itachi

"Itachi are you sure this is the right way?" questioned Shisui looking at Itachi who was infornt of him. "Yes. If Orochimaru went in any other direction they would of ended up at a village and according to Jirayia, the last he saw Orochimaru was in the middle of nowhere far away from any civilization" stated Itachi looking ahead. "But what if he's changed locations?" "That's why we've sent the others to the two closest villages and ask for iformation. I know your worried but if you trust your student she will get through this. Since the day we met her she isn't one to give up". Shisui simply sighed at his teammates response knowing full well that Itachi was right. He had to have faith in Sakura, she had been through so much torture throughout her life so far and endured it, now she had to endure it just a little longer.


"I think we should look for a year then head back to the village. We will need to go back eventually to restock and update everyone with our findings, with or without Sakura" announced Shisui with a serious face. They had stopped by the side of a small lake to get some rest. "Never thought you'd say that" stated Itachi looking at him. "Like you said. We need to have faith in Sakura. And i'd rather give our findings to everyone in person rather than by hawk. Besdies I'm pretty sure Sasuke and Naruto would want to help us" said Shisui looking at the lake thinking about Sakura's teammates.

"I see your point. However they will only be fourteen when we get back. We can see how much they have improved and train them a little further whilst coming up with a plan to continue the search for Sakura. Is that alright?" asked Itachi making sure his teammate agrees with his condition. He doesn't want to put his little brother in any danger he is not ready for. "Agreed" stated Shisui and they were off once again.

Back with Sakura

Sakura was lying on her bed thinking about her friends back home and wondering what Orochimaru will do to her. Suddenly her door opened and revealed Kabuto "come" he commanded and Sakura followed him to what seemed like a laboratory. "Ah, good your here. Now let's get started" announced Orochimaru cheerfully. "What are you goig to do?" asked Sakura, her body starting to tremble. "Lie down here" issued Orochimaru presenting the table in the middle if the room. Sakura couldn't figure out why she was doing what she was told. Her body was moving on it's own and she couldn't stop herself. Next thing she knew she was lying on the table with her arms and legs strapped down preventing her from moving. Orochimaru started placing some wire things to her head, "We will be investigating your mind. We want to get that little missy out of your head so we can have some fun".

Little missy? Fun? Investigating my mind? Sakura repeated these questions in her head as she felt agonising pain in her head she couldn't help but scream. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" stop...please...stop. With all the pain Sakura is only able to scream, words would not come out. She begged in her mind for it all to stop, but the pain kept going for what felt like hours.

A week later (still with Sakura)

It had been a week since Orochimaru started his experiments with Sakura. Most were with her mind. She still couldn't figure out what Orochimaru wanted from her, but with all the experimenting for her mind she suspected he wanted something to come out, but what? More questions ran through Sakura's head and her entire body ached from the pain, all she could was lie on the floor, she couldn't get up to lie on the bed (not that it's much comfier). The door opened once again and there was Kabuto once more glaring at the pink mess on the floor.

"Today will be different. You are now going to start training. She needs to be strong and unfortunately so do you" spoke Kabuto as he leaned against the door frame. Sakura painfully stood up to her feet as she turned to see Kabuto he held a cup with the same purple liquid, he said "this will get you ready for training" Sakura took it, only because she wanted the pain to go away.

Kabuto and Sakura made their way through various hallways and they came to an open area outside. It had been the first time in a week since she was outside and she was blinded by the sun and the sudden cold air. She stood there looking at the grass and trees. At the other end of the field was Orochimaru. "We will now train you. It will be harsh and we will still continue with the experiments, these people will help you with your training" announced Orochimaru as various figures came out of no where. Judging by their looks they look like rouge ninjas and assasins, judged Sakura seeing as none of them were wearing a uniform and some had their ninja headbands crossed out. Sakura couldn't help but think I'

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