The Academy and the bell

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Sakura continued to meet up with Sasuke and Naruto without her parents knowing for about two years now, being very careful. Itachi and Shisui would sometimes join too if they weren't training. Or Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura would just observe their training. Eventually Sakura found out that the two older Uchiha's were part of the ANBU. She couldn't believe they were both so young and yet they were part of the ANBU for highly skilled ninja. As Sakura watched them train overtime she wanted to train too but Shisui said she had to wait until she was at the academy. She didn't like the idea but Shisui agreed to train her and not hold back. This brought hope to her eyes and couldn't wait.


"Hey Sakura I never see your mum and dad. Where are they?" asked Naruto with curiosity. They were all sitting by the river eating lunch. Sakura simply smiled and said "they are at work. They are there a lot of time, I usually only see them in the morning or in the evening" she stated going back to eating her lunch. "Aww man that must suck. I hardly see my dad since he's the hokage but at least my mum is there most of the day. I can't imagine not being able to see your parents whenever they get home" replied Naruto with sympathy. "Hah I don't need your sympathy, it's fun when their home. We play games and they ask me what I have done for the day" stated Sakura proudly with a wide grin on her face, only that was not entirely true. The game's she had with her parents would always end up with her in complete agony as she lays on the cold hard floor and her parents have made sure she has a very tight leash with her curfews to prevent her from meeting anyone, unlike before when she could stay out a little later.

"So guys it's about time you get into the academy. Sakura I will keep my promise to you and train you whilst your at the academy okay?" Stated Shisui smiling lovingly at the pinkette. Sakura smiled back with excitement. She could hardly contain herself.


Not long after lunch Sakura was home and cleaning her parents bedroom, it was a little messier due to last nights intimate events. Once Sakura was done, she sat down on her bed and began reading the medical book Shisui gave her as a birthday present last year. She had never received birthday presents before so she was so excited and took good care of the present Shisui gave her.

Time moved on and her parents returned. She hid her medical book under the floor under her bed then she walked over, stood and bowed to her parents welcoming them back. Her mother walked past but stopped when she noticed a piece of paper with the hokage's signature at the bottom on the table. She picked it up analyzed it and released an annoyed sigh. "The Academy? Do you really think you deserve to go? Your weak? No one will accept you? And most importantly your father and I will look terrible at work when you fail" he mother emotionlessly stated staring at the young girl still bowing her head. "I beg of you mother. If I am at the academy I will not be in your way. I will not talk to anyone there unless necessary. I will come straight home once lessons finished and not ponder. I promise on my life".

Big words for a useless brat thought her father staring at her.

Both her parents left to their room leaving the young girl still bowing her head in the kitchen. Sakura lifted her head and walked over to start making dinner.


The next day Sakura awoke, got changed, into her usual pink top and green shorts, and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. An hour later both her parents walked out of their room, sat down and starting eating their breakfast. Sakura sat next to her mother with the bit of toast she is allowed. Her mother and father always had a fully cooked breakfast which Sakura made and Sakura was only allowed toast and occasionally, with permission, some jam.

"Sakura" started her mother. Sakura jumped in her seat as her mother never spoke during breakfast, and neither her father. She looked at her mother, regaining her composure, with emotionless eyes. "You may go to the academy. But you must act like a normal girl and tell no one about us and what happens in this house. If you say anything we will make sure you disappear forever, not like the villagers would mind anyway." Stated her mother not looking at her. Sakura who was shocked by the news asked "why... are you letting me go?" "You don't need to know. But you must not make any emotional connection with anyone, if you do we will get rid of them and have you take the blame. Undertsnad?" "But..." "Understand?" her mother looked at her with a threatening tone of voice. "Yes mother. I will act accordingly". "Good. You start next week. You are to come home straight after your lessons."

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