Nice to meet you

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Mr Zabuna walked up to Sakura as Orochimaru stepped back a little. Suddenly Itachi and Kakashi appeared from behind Orochimaru and launched their Chidori's at him, whilst Naruto threw his ransengan appearing in front of him. Sasuke and Shisui went towards Sakura.

Sasuke grabbed Sakura's shoulders and yelled "Sakura, its me Sasuke" with relief. Sakura said nothing and just stood there. ",'s okay now...we came to bring you back home....Sakura?" Sasuke looked into her emotionless eyes attempting to reach her. Sakura then flipped Sasuke over her shoulder creating a small crater along the way. Everyone turned to see all of the commotion.

"Sakura? It's us? Whats wrong with you?" yelled Naruto heading towards Sasuke. "Hmph. The Sakura you know is no longer with us. She's trapped in her own mind you see, and there's nothing you can do" everyone turned their heads towards the voice and saw Orochimaru appear on a branch behind Sakura. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?" Yelled Shisui. Orochimaru just smirked and Sakura charged at the team successfully punching Shisui in the stomach pushing him back a few metres. "Watch her... punches, .their infused.... with Charka, just one.... could kill you" stuttered Shisui recovering from her punch. ""Damn it. Sakura? Wake up. You can't give up, you never do" shouted Sasuke now standing up with help from Naruto.

Sasuke then charged at Sakura and they both went into a taijustu fight. Kakashi and Naruto appeared behind her and Sasuke pushed her towards them. Both men grabbed one of her arms and held her tightly. "Sakura, please. We're your friends. Don't you remember us? All the things we've been through? Training with Shisui? Our first C-rank mission?... Your feelings for Sasuke?" muttered Naruto realising Sakura stopped struggling with his and Kakashi's grip on her. Everyone was silent, no one new what happened.

Hmmm I wonder if she's about to wake up? Ah yeas there's the seal. Orochimaru spoke in his head as a seal appeared on Sakura's forehead and her body started glowing green. "Huh? What's going on?" said Itachi now turning his attention to Mr Zabuna. He was frozen solid but had a huge smile on his face. "HA...HA..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Finally it's coming, all that power" he sounded like a maniac. Sakura's body fell to the ground. Kakashi and Naruto kneeled down beside her and Kakashi turned her body round to see her front. "There's a seal on her forehead. Don't tell me this power you desperately wanted is coming out?" asked Kakashi looking up at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru smiled and jumped down from the branch and said "all that hard work I did and it finally comes out, you guys will be great test subjects for this power". Before anyone could say anything the green aura around Sakura started to form a human shape. "What's that green aura?" asked Shisui looking at it. "Chakra" yelled Mr Zabuna looking very pleased. "The power is using the subject's chakra to create a body for it to use. Amazing, this is truly amazing" everyone ignored the man and saw that the chakra started to make a solid female body that looked like Sakura's except she has red eyes and black hair.

The body stood there silent. The team stood there in shock with a very pleased Orochimaru and a madly grinning man behind them. The body then lifted her head and revealed a cheery smile. That smile is just like Sakura's thought Sasuke looking back at Sakura's original unmoving body. "Ah, I'm finally free. Naked?... but free" said the person still smiling. She looked around and noticed everyone. "Hi guys, I'm Sakura mind if I test out this power on you?" asked the person cheerfully waving her hand. " not Sakura" muttered Sasuke loudly. "Ah but I am, but if you wish to call me something else then I'd rather it be...hmmm....let me see....oh how about Scarlet, it's such a pretty name, just like me". she stated looking directly at Sasuke. "Well then now that introductions are done, does someone fancy giving me some clothes? A woman's gotta keep her pride you know".

"Who are you?" asked Kakashi aggressively. "Like I just said, you may refer to me as Scarlet" she answered annoyed. "No. I mean what are you? What is your purpose?" Kakashi asked again getting more angry. " purpose huh?... who knows, all that I know is that I'm happy to get out of this useless girls head" she answered pointing at Sakura's body still on the ground. "Well since I have this amazing power I guess I'll use this world for my own privledges, but first I want to see what Sakura saw in Konoha. Honestly she kept thinking about it and lets not forget you guys" she said now smirking evily.

A black petal then landed infront of Kakashi, then Orochimaru said "let us go, there is much to be planned for...Scarlet" , suddenly black petals started swirling around them and Mr Zabuna. "No don't let them get away" yelled Kakashi dashing towards them. Naruto and Sasuke lept towards Sakura's body and yanked it away from the black petals. Sasuke held onto Sakura as the petals disappeared along with Orochimaru, Mr Zabuna and Scarlet. "Damn, they got away. Well at least we have Sakura. How is she Sasuke?" asked Kakashi walking towards him. Sasuke looked down at the pinkette finally back in his arms. "She's unconscious, thankfully she's still alive" anwered Sasuke sighing in relief. "But still Orochimaru said she was trapped in her mind. Will she ever wake up?" asked Naruto with deep concern. "For now lets back to the village. Sakura was our goal and now we have her. We'll find out what's going on there" stated Shisui looking at his student feeling relieved that's she's back, well partly back.

Sorry this is short. If you are wondering what happened between Sakura and Tsunade and team 7 moments in the past don't worry they will appear in flashbacks throughout the rest of the chapters. Hope you've enjoyed it so far.

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