Is it over?

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Sakura slowly opened her eyes to a bright room that smelled of chemicals hospital? she questioned herself as she starting looking at her surroundings. She slowly sat up and heard the door open. Tsunade and team 7 walked into the room. "Sakura your finally awake!" stated Naruto happily. "What happened?" questioned Sakura still feeling a bit tired. "Scarlet nearly killed you. If Tsunade hadn't of showed up then you may not of made it" stated Kakashi. "Not entirely true actually. I could tell Sakura started healing herself before I got there" stated Tsunade proudly.

Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi stood there dumbfounded and frozen in time. Sakura just smiled at them awkwardly and asked "so...what happened to Scarlet?" with a frown forming on her face. "She's dead. It was too late for her, she used up too much of her chakra" stated Sasuke. Sakura looked down and remained silent.

"So she's no more huh? What happens now?" Sakura questioned. "Now your parents will go through a trial to receive their sentence. You'll have to stay in the hospital a little longer to recover then you can go back to your regular missions" stated Kakashi quietly. "I see" whispered Sakura. They all remained silent for about a minute until Sakura asked "can I change my name?" Everyone looked at her in shock. "You mean your last name right? If you wish to I can allow it. But I suggest you think about it before you come to a final descision. You will be required at the trial in a weeks time." stated Tsunade checking Sakura's medical report. "You should be out of here in the next two days. For now rest until the trial" Tsunade ordered. Sakura nodded in agreement and Tsunade walked out of the room.

"Naruto, lets go get some drinks" stated Kakashi dragging a confused blonde out of the room leaving Sasuke and Sakura. The two of them were silent for almost an entire minute but they didn't feel uncomfortable. "How are you feeling?" asked Sasuke.

"Fine, just a bit tired. How about you? Did you get hurt anywhere?" - Sakura

"No, not as bad as you" - Sasuke

"SAKURA. Your finally awake you had me worried sick" yelled Shisui running into the room. Sakura chuckled and said "sorry Shisui. Didn't mean to make you worry." apologised Sakura smiling. "How are you feeling?" asked Itachi standing next to Sasuke. "I'm fine don't worry. I just need to rest until the trial" she stated and everyone had frowns on their faces.

"Sakura. I'm really sorry I didn't notice. I was your teacher and I didn't realise you were suffering for all those years" muttered Shisui looking down. "It wasn't your fault. I never told you anything and I hid everything from you. But I'm okay now, I'm finally back in the village. I'll show you how strong iv'e become by joining the ANBU, you know it was my dream. I'll become a jonin then join the ANBU." stated Sakura proudly.

1 week later

"Mr Kizashi and Mrs Mebuki Haruno will be charged with child abuse and conspiracy with the enemry. They will be sentenced to 40 years in prison" announced the judge. ANBU then took Mebuki and Kizashi away. Outside the building Sakura and the rest of team 7 walked out and saw her parents being taken away. Sasuke noticed a painful look in her eyes and said "lets go home and rest, your still recovering" Sakura nodded and made their way back home. "How about some ramen tonight. Sasuke's treat" stated Naruto happily. "Yea...I'd like that" stated Sakura giving him a small smile. "Are you going to be okay?2 asked Naruto looking concerened. "I'll be fine. I'm just happy it's finally all over now" stated Sakura. "Alright. I'll invite Hinata, see you guys soon" yelled Naruto as he ran off to his girlfriends leaving Sakura and Sasuke alone again.

"Thank you Sasuke...for not giving up on me" Sakura thanked with tears threatening to fall. The next thing she knew Sasuke was hugging her and whispered "I will never give up on you. I want you to....stay with me". Sakura couldn't help but cry and hug him back. She was finally safe. She was finally happy.

Thats the end guys I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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