Why did you do it?

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Sakura stood before her parents, who were both leaning against the back wall in the cell exhausted and scars from being interrogated. There was silence for about two minutes until Sakura whispered "why?". The two parents did not look or say anything at her. Sasuke was leaning against the cell bars and Naruto stood slightly behind Sakura crossing his arms. Sakura sighed and asked again more loudly "Why?" giving both of her parents a death stare. There was still silence.

"Money" muttered her father very quietly. "Money?" repeated Sakura confused. "We just wanted money. Why can't a useless bitch like you understand that?" spitted her mother looking at Sakura angrily. Sakura looked back at her mother with the same amount of anger. "Your genes are inside of me, I am your biological daughter even if I was made in a test tube. You can't deny it. Look you have nothing to worry. You got your money and you will never see me again, I only came to see your pathetic faces once more. I will burn you from my memories. You both can die like the pigs you are" Sakura spitted her words at them then turned and walked out of the cell with Sasuke and Naruto following not too far behind.

Sakura marched herself out of the interrogation building and into the closest alleyway. Sasuke and Naruto followed behind with concerned looks. Sakura fell to her knees and started hugging herself and shaking. Naruto stood at the end of the alley way to make sure no one was looking as Sasuke walked up to Sakura. "Sakura? Are you okay?" he asked softly standing right behind her. She didn't answer, she just kept shaking now violently. Unknown to him and Naruto Sakura had silent tears rolling down her cheeks. A few minutes had past until Sasuke said "come on. Lets go home. I think its best if you rest a bit" he said gently placing a hand on her shoulder. Sakura held back the rest of her tears and nodded.

The three of them went back to the apartment and Sakura went to rest in her room. "Let us know if you need anything" offered Sasuke, Sakura didn't look at him but nodded and closed her door. Sasuke and Naruto were in the kitchen trying to figure out ways to cheer her up.

Meanwhile with Scarlet, Orochimaru

"Are you at full strength yet?" questioned Orochimaru walking towards Scarlet on the training grounds. She grinned mischievously and said "almost, I'd say I'm at 95%. If you don't mind I would like to see this Konoha village that bitch kept thinking about. I must say I'm quite....interested" Orochimaru allowed a huge grin on his face and hissed back "of course. I would also like to visit Konoha, I have a bit of a history there myself".

Back in Konoha

It was getting late and Sakura was getting hungry. She made her way to the kitchen and found Sasuke cooking something. He heard her footsteps and turned to her with a warm smile and said "how are you feeling? I'm making a couple of omletes along with tomatoes". Sakura chuckled and said "you do love your tomatoes. Where's Naruto?" she asked in return looking around. "He went back to his parents. His dad managed to get the evening off, so their having a family get together" he answered honestly. "Ah I see. You know you don't have to stay with me. You should go see your family as well" said Sakura giving him a warm smile as she sat at the dinner table. "Yea I know. But its okay. I see them around Konoha anyway. And besides its been two years, I want to spend time with you" Sakura blushed slight.

They ate and talked. "Thanks for the food Sasuke. It was delicious, but maybe don't put as many tomatoes in it?". "Hmph, the more the better" argued Sasuke pouting slightly. Sakura chuckled slightly and looked into his eyes as he did. They remained like that until Sakura noticed she was actually staring at him. She instently looked away and walked towards the sofa, picked up a book and started reading feeling really embarrassed. Sasuke chuckled and walked towards her. "Sakura? Are you okay?" he asked sitting down. Sakura put down the book, "yea I'm fine. Why do you ask?" she gave him a obvious fake smile. "Because after everything you've been through your still the same person I remember first meeting. How....how do you do it?" he questioned with concern. "Hmmm? The answer is simple really, I thought about all of you guys. I knew you would trust me and come look for me. Yes I was scared but the thought of you kept me going" she answered honestly looking at Sasuke. Sasuke looked away and blushed a bit more than usual. Sakura smiled and kissed his cheek.

I have pink hair! So what!!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن