What happened?

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Flashback - 6 months after Sakura was taken to Orochimaru.

Sakura was lying on the cold hard floor. Her body ached, her head was thumping and she was so tired. She heard her door open and she opened her eyes to see Orochimaru and Kabuto looking down at her. "Sakura, since you are very good at chakra control, I will send you to train with Lady Tsunade" hissed Orochimaru. Sakura sat herself up and leaned against the edge of her bed. She turned to them and asked "why?" knowing there was a catch. "Don't get me wrong, you are still my property. That is why you will be pretending you are a simple ninja out to train and travel the world. If you even mention anything about yourself then there will be consequences and don't want to know what they are" warned Orochimaru kneeling down in front of her.


A week later Sakura packed some supplies and headed to Orochimaru. She entered the lab and saw him holding a snake in his hands. "Come closer. I ill get this snake to bit you, it contains a venom. No need to worry it won't kill you, however it will cause you tremendous pain if you even say a single word about yourself. You are only allowed to say your name and your a ninja from the land of waves travelling to get stronger when you herd the legends of Lady Tsunade and wanted her to train you. Do you understand? If this does not persuade you then I'll attack a small village just outside the land of waves. All those innocent people will die if you disobey me and it'll be your fault" Orochimaru then placed the snake on Sakura's arm and it slithered to her back and bit her right in the centre. Sakura screamed in the pain and fell to her knees.

A few minutes later the pain started to fade and she managed to get back up on her feet. Sakura didn't say anything and just looked at the floor. "Now go and I expect you to be back in four months. If not then I'll attack that village and the venom will activate" stated Orochimaru.


Sakura then left and made her way to a small village where Tsunade was last seen. It took her two days to get there. As soon as she arrived she found herself an inn and immediately went to find Tsunade. This was a race against time and innocent lives could be taken. She then walked into a bar and saw a huge crowd of people surrounding a particular table. Sakura walked towards it and saw a blonde hair women with four bottles of sake losing her money. "Ha i'll win this next one for sure" she said just then a women with short black hair and a pig next to her said "Lady Tsunade, that's enough. Come on you haven't got any more money to bet on. Let's get you back to the inn" she said as she was pulling her arm. "Hmph. fine but next time I'll win" yelled Tsunade pointing to one of the men she was playing against.

Sakura followed the two women outside and said "excuse me, are you lady Tsunade??" the two women turned to the voice and Tsunade said "what do you want brat?", "Well....uh...I was travelling in order to train and get stronger and I heard your a legend. I have great Chakra control and I can do a little bit of medical ninjutsu. Would you please train me?" asked Sakura trying her best to sound determined. Tsunade was quite clearly thinking about it but then said "nah...why would I train you? What makes you special?" she said huffing and crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh come on, you trained me. Besides you've done nothing but drink and gamble lately you need to change your habits for now. Come one try her out" said the other women. "Oh please shizune, why should I train the first person who comes up to me?" Tsunade questioned to no one in particular.

"Your right, you have no reason to train me. I'm no one special. However you do seem kinda selfish keeping all the pride to yourself. Your an inspiration to all kunoichi's out there. Care to let another women do something for us for a change" stated Sakura with a smug look. Tsunade twitched at Sakura's statement. "Ugghhhhhhhhh fine then. But I won't go easy on you got it? If this is too much for you then you can go on home crying" replied Tsunade returning a smug look of her own.

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