Chapter 6

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"I am going to throw up," I announce as I lean over and take shallow breaths hoping the feeling passes quickly.

"You're being dramatic Barbie," the sleepy voice still comfortably in our bed chastises.

"You are an asshole," I throw back while pacing our room.

Matt silently sighs and hurls himself out of bed, stepping directly in my way to stop my pacing. He is wearing nothing but black boxers and his tanned body momentarily distracts me. 3 weeks of european sun made Matt hotter than usual, if that is even possible.

Apparently my appreciation of my fiance's body is extremely obvious and a seductive smirk slides across his face. "I know one way to help with the first day jitters."

"I don't have time for sex Matt." This time it is me chastising him as I try to step around him to get to our closet and tear it apart again to find an outfit. I had one planned out last night but this morning I woke up and hated everything about it.

"Nonsense babe you have almost an hour before you even need to leave."

I try again to scoot around his massive body but am stopped as he softly wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest. I don't bother fighting him and relax into his warm embrace listening to the steady beat of his heart, my favorite sound. We stand in the middle of the room for a while Matt softly running his fingers up and down my spine.

"I really need to get ready," I tell him as I reluctantly pull out of his arms. I immediately feel cold and suppress a shiver as I move away from Matt.

"I will make you breakfast and take care of Malcolm, come down when you're ready love." He gives me a soft kiss lingering for a moment before leaving the room with Malcolm. I watch my boys disappear down the stairs before I return to my outfit meltdown.

Life would be so much easier if I was a guy. Matt would have grabbed black dress pants, a white button down, maybe thrown on his tie and grabbed a sports jacket and just been done. I hold in a groan as I step back into our walk in closet which is a disaster. Great because I finally got the house completely unpacked and furnished and finally feeling like home Friday and now it is Monday and trashed.

I glance at my original outfit again wondering if maybe I am overthinking. My boss when we talked after I was hired told me the dress code was relaxed business attire but when I asked if that meant business casual he said no dressier than that. I have no idea what the fuck that means honestly. I tried to google it 100 times since that day but I can't seem to find anything. Maybe I will go in overdressed and just rock it? I mean I would rather be overdressed than underdressed.

I grab for one of my business dresses I got for job interviews but quickly put it back. My field is mainly male dominated and I am worried wearing a dress the first day will give off the wrong message. I decide the same for any type of skirt too. Maybe one day when I have a better idea of the dress code and how everyone else dresses but not today. I look at my heels and also decide I am probably safer wearing a nice pair of flats. It sucks that something so meaningless would affect how people see me but that is society and I can't change it today.

I survey the closet again and start tidying up hoping less chaos in the closet will mean less chaos in my head. It works a little and I decide to make a bold move and wear some of my sexiest lingerie under whatever outfit I choose. No one will see it but I will feel more confident, like I do everytime I wear it around Matt.

I opt for a set I bought in Paris that is light blue with white and pink flowers. I turn in the mirror surveying the look as nod approvingly at myself. Well I look hot so that is something. The three weeks of sun did wonders for me too and my skin and hair look healthy and radiant.

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