Chapter 16

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"I am constantly training. Sorry my life can't revolve around giving you attention. "

Matt's words circle in my mind the same way they have for the last three weeks. It was a wake up call for me. I was so wrapped up in my own life I started slacking on our relationship. I should have realized when Matt asked Amber over me to take care of Malcolm that there was an issue but again I was too worried about my own life. But I am going to fix this, I have to. I can't lose Matt.

I walk into the gym slapping on my happy face. I don't need anyone here worried about our relationship or asking questions. Matt has always been private and if people here start asking questions it will piss him off.

"Hey kid."

"Hey T, in the back?"

"Yeah he is training, you got time to relive our glory days?"

I didn't plan to workout, I came just to be more involved and more supportive of Matt but he is training anyways so why now? I keep extra stuff in a locker here so I throw TJ a thumbs up and head into the women's locker room to change.

"Meet me in the back," he calls as the locker room door shuts behind me.

Locker rooms always make me nostalgic which probably sounds dumb because it wasn't the first time Matt and I talked or anything important like our first kiss, but it was the first time he really let his guard down with me. I remember wiping his head and fighting the urge to kiss him. I remember standing between his legs trying to concentrate way too hard. The way his hand rested lightly on my waist which at the time I ignored. The moment is so deeply burned into my mind.

I open my locker in the back corner with my hot pink lock, courtesy of Matt. He loves to buy me random Barbie pink things.

"Shit," I sigh as I pull some stuff from the locker and realize all I have inside is a pair of spandex shorts. It is the end of January and while DC is nowhere near as cold as New York or Penn State it's cold enough that I'd rather be wearing pants. The gym is always cold as it is, which is probably why I threw the shorts in the locker instead of wearing them earlier.

I suck it up and change not wanting to leave T waiting too long. Despite being freezing I walk out to the back of the gym hugging myself for warmth. I look around for Matt and catch him in the corner with... are you shitting me? When did he start training Amber?

I swallow my annoyance and distaste for her and try to be mature. This is part of the problem I need to get over my insecurities over her because it's putting a strain on my relationship. Because of my own issues I spend less time at the restaurant helping Matt and being supportive. He is so busy juggling the restaurant, training people, and preparing for the trial in April and instead of helping I have been nothing but an extra burden. I've been needy and clingy and let my jealousy get in my way, all the things I never wanted.

"Hey," I say weakly. Shit why do I sound so pathetic?

"Hey," Matt replies, not turning to face me, focusing on Amber stretching in front of him.

I push down the jealousy bumbling up my throat and plaster on a fake smile. "I wasn't sure how late you wanted to stay tonight so I am going to train with TJ but after if you want we can order dinner here if you have time for a break?"

"I don't have time for breaks. Trials are in a month and a half."

I swallow and shift uncomfortably. "I know babe but you need to eat. I figured we could get Chinese food since that fits in your diet?"

"It's fine Amber brought me something from the restaurant." He still isn't facing me, still watching Amber stretch her long arm across her chest. She is gorgeous if I am being honest with myself. She is tall, much taller than me with long limbs. Her red hair is unique and hangs in beautiful waves pulled back into a ponytail. Unlike Amanda's red hair which is a light orange color, Amber's hair is an auburn and I wonder if it is natural or dyed. She is curvier than I am with a bigger butt and bigger boobs and she fills out her clothing in ways I never will. I almost wish we met under different circumstances because I would love to be her friend.

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