Chapter 24

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"Malcolm mommy will be home soon, you be a good boy ok?"

"Sydney he will be fine," Tom reminds me for about the 11th time while I lay on the living room floor clinging to Malcolm who just yesterday finally started acting like himself again. I am worried that with me being gone so long he will get sick.

"Thomas, shut up I am having a moment with my son."

"Sorry sorry, I will go wait in the car. But Syd seriously stop stalling before you miss your flight."

He walks out and I hug the dog even tighter. I am not stalling. Am I? No, no I just love my dog and want to make sure he knows that. That isn't stalling. Why would I be stalling? I mean it's just Matt, the guy I dated for 6 years who then brutally dumped me out of the blue and ran off to a foregin country after proposing and planning a whole wedding with me. No reason to stall here, nope.

Finally my phone alarm goes off signaling I have to leave now or risk missing my flight. I give Malcolm one last big kiss before dragging myself off the floor and out to Tom's car. He hands me a coffee which I just sip at a little to be polite. I am too nervous to eat or drink right now and my mind has been rehearsing what we are going to say for days.

When we get to the airport Tom climbs out while I stay planted in my seat.

"Need me to walk you in?" I look to my left as Tom opens the passenger door and gives me an encouraging smile. Matt really is so lucky to have him. Even if this doesn't work and I don't get Matt back I know Tom will alway take care of him.

"No I can do this," I tell him but I think it is more for myself. I can do this. Despite how weird the last 8 days have been at the end of the day I know Matt better than anyone. If anyone is going to get through to him and make this all right, it is me. I wish I would have been this strong and level headed last Friday. A part of me regrets ever letting him walk out that door without a fight. I was the one who sat on his lap and said I would never stop fighting for us. It scares me that I gave up so easily but I won't make that mistake again. I am going to Tokyo to fix this.

"Hit him for me when this is all fixed, ok?"

"I will save that for you when we get home."

Tom gives me one last final hug and I walk inside to begin a very long travel day. Actually days. It is 8am on Saturday currently but I won't make it to Tokyo until 7am Sunday plus a 13 hour time change that means it will be 8pm in Tokyo by the time I land. I am not excited for such a long flight but it will give me time to decide what I am going to say. 23 hours should be long enough to figure it out, right?


It wasn't enough time.

I just got off the plane and I still have no idea what I am going to say. I actually have no plan at all. Do I go to my hotel first and drop my stuff off? Do I go right to the village? Should I shower? Does it matter? Should I tell him I am here? Should I surprise him? I have not a single answer for any of those questions. 23 hours and I have not a single answer.

I walk to baggage and wait for my bag, deciding that is the first step. I need my stuff before I can leave the airport.

Waiting for my bag I think about what to do next. I did just spend 19 hours on a plane so logically I should go to my hotel room to check in, shower, and try to look presentable. But I am worried if I don't go right to the village and find Matt I will chicken out.

When I pull my bag finally I walk to the bathroom to see if maybe I can grab a new outfit from my bag and freshen up in there enough to go straight to see Matt. I look in the mirror and nearly cringe. My hair looks greasy and ratty, my skin looks gross, I have bags under my eyes, and I manage to catch a smell of myself and realize I really need a shower.

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