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This is a continuation of the last update. Took into count all your guy's ideas and this came up.

Over a month had passed and she kept playing with her tiny group of friends, though less than what she would hang out with the girls at her school. She had gotten very close to most people in her class and even outside of it. I mean, even Bakugou didn't hate her, kind of.

But there was someone in particular that she had met at this time that really caught her attention. This "fvcku" was an interesting character. They would banter and bother each other and, shit, they could even be considered close friends.

But things happened during this one class in December. See, the night before Ochako's friends weren't all available to play, only Blasty was.

"How are ya?" She typed

"Im fine" He replied

"Aww comeonnn you have to have some character besides your grumpiness" She complained

"Call?" she asked

This wasn't the first time they had called each other. In fact, Ochako could barely keep count of the number of times they had talked alone.

"I've been kinda down lately" She said

"Oh, how so?" He asked

"There's this guy in my class that I really admire and kind of like, but he won't even acknowledge me"

"He must be an idiot then"

"Dummy, you don't actually know me, I'm more annoying than I seem"


"OHH flip off blasty"

He laughed.

"I mean, besides you being annoying, you are adirmdih"

"A what? I couldn't hear you"

"Adorable dumbass. God damn vity you're dense"

"ha, you haven't even seen me how would you know that?"

"I don't need to look at you to know I'd hit it"


They kept on talking flirtatiously for the rest of the night. She had gotten very close to him. I mean verrryyy close to him.

When they played with pinky and rocky he was still very flirtatious. For example this interaction:

"Hey yo Vity, there's a cannibal behind you" Blasty advised

"AHH FRICK" she yelled as she turned her character around and started beating the cannibal with her rock on a stick weapon

"Come on, just say fuck, for once" Blasty said as he got to where her character was and helped her kill her attacker.

"I would need context" She explained "I would say it in villain attack, but a big villain"

"Do small villains not deserve your cussing" Rocky asked

"No" Vity firmly said "They're not worth it"

"Come on, cuss for us Vity"

"Are you a death threatening villain?"

"No" they all said in unison

"Then flip off"

"I mean can you say it in context?" Blasty asked

"What do you mean?"

"For example" He anticipated "Would you fuck me?"

She was redfaced and shakey.

Had he actually said that? Emphasizing THAT word like he was trying to get to her.

"Fuck, I killed her" He laughed


They all started laughing. And she was still so shocked.

They played for about fifteen more minutes but her hands were so shakey she could not move correctly, so she had to leave. She disconnected and immediately laid on her bed staring right at the ceiling.

GOD was blasty cute. She was a bit into him, actually more than a bit.

So at around 3 am she messaged him, he barely even stayed awake for their nightly chats. He said he went to sleep generally at 8 pm. She was shocked but in a good way. He had many healthy habits and she actually thought for once she was into a kind of stable individual, well not so much.


Blasty, he was awake, very awake, and very aware of what he had said and what he could have caused. So when he heard the discord notification he really hoped it was her.

"Hey... can we talk?"

He hesitated to respond but he did.

"Sure, whats up?"

"Can we voice chat? I kinda need to ramble to you"


HOLY FUCK WAS HE NERVOUS. What would she want to ramble about?

He answered the call.

"Hey Blasty"


"what you said today"

"What about today?"

"about... the... frick..........thing"

"Oh, why, you'd hit it?"

"NO, well not no, I don't know"

"then what?"

"Why did you... say that?"

He chuckled "I don't know"

"There has to be a reason"

He was getting kind of angry, irrationally.

"Maybe I wanted to check something"

"What thing?"

"Maybe I wanted to check if you would be like one of those extras"

"...extras" she thought to herself out loud "What do you mean?"

"You were acting like a pathetic extra"

"Why extra?"


"You sound like a classmate of mine"


"In fact, you sound a lot like a classmate of mine"

"The fuck you mean?"

"Hey... you ever wanna do a video chat?"

He was in shock. No longer as angry but a bit excited.


"Wanna video chat tomorrow? it's very dark now?"


"well, night"


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