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She looked in the mirror. She had told the girls she felt ugly but she didn't expect them to throw her weight around.

They said she was the cutest little chubby girl ever, but the word chubby kept resonating over and over again.

She was chubby, she knew it, and loved it, but when other people told her she was, even in a non derogatory way, it hurt her in many ways.

And it showed.

She had planned to train with Bakugou, Mina and Kiri. And it did not go well.

She received every punch and didn't give any back, it wasn't long until her sparring buddies realized.
Truth is she was feeling very self conscious and didn't want her arms or legs to flab around with every punch or kick, but she didn't want to stop going to her training.

"THE FUCK URARAKA" Bakugou yelled loud enough so that she could hear him, leaving Mina and Eijiro sparring on their own.

"What?" She said in a defeating tone, tears forming in her eyes at the volume of his voice in this context.


She broke down, on her knees on the floor ugly crying
"The fuck?" He quietly asked
"Why'd you have you yell at her Bakubitch?" Mina asked
"It's bakuhoe" Kiri corrected, not having noticed his crying friend "HOLY SHIT URARAKA ARE YOU OK?"
"N-No" she stumbled on her words wanting to yell but finding herself unable to.

"Tell us what the hell happened cheeks!" Katsuki exclaimed in a demanding yet worried tone.

"It's nothing" the brunette stood up
"It's clearly something babe" Mina went to reach for her shoulder but had the blond stopping her and whispering something along the lines of: leave this to me.

"No you're just gonna yell at her"


"Fine there Bakubro, don't yell at my girl"

At this point Ochako had already fled the scene. Leaving them to go to her room. Minutes later she heard a knock on her door.

"What?" She answered.
"It's me, open up" Katsuki said, harshly yet softly in a way

She got up from her bed and walked to the door to open it not without asking: "what do you want?"
"Just tell me what's going on, I'll help you" this last message came super softly, at least for Baku standards.

She opened the door letting him in, they both sat on her bed and Ochako started talking.

"It's just..I don't want to say it cause you'll say I'm dumb"
"When have I ever called you dumb?"
"Many times"
"I recall calling you a dumbass but never dumb"
This last comment earning a giggle from her
"Look, someone called me chubby and now I feel insecure"
"What do you mean?"
"What's the issue with you being chubby?"
"Well, I don't like it"
"Then fucking change it it ain't that hard"
"It's hard to lose weight trust me"
"I never said you should lose weight, I said for you to not feel insecure about it, you're hot Ochako, chubby or not"
Those last words escaped his mouth and it took a while for them both to process it, when they finally did Ochako asked
"You really think that?"
"That I'm hot"
"I mean... yeah" he was the most flustered he had ever been, even more flusters than when he had hugged her after she aced all her exam es last term with the help of his tutoring.
"Why?" She asked genuinely confused, she had been called cute her whole life, but never hot.
"I mean look at you! Your thighs could crush someone, your hips are the hottest thing after that ass of yours, and them tits, the roundness of your whole body and face could bring all men and women to their knees"
She was silent as he continued.
"I mean damn, I just lately found out through shitty hair that I have a massive crush on you so maybe I'm biased but... damn"
It took her some seconds to process that much information.
"You... you WHAT?!!"
"I guess I do" he looked at her rubbing the back of his neck and immediately his face turn into this flustered angry look "you know what just forget about it" he said standing up, giving her enough time to grab his hand and push him back down, immediately kissing him on the lips.

The movement was so quick their teeth clacked, but they didn't care, it was them against the world and they were wining.


Yeyyy, this idea was given to me by  queenbeella

If you have any ideas you want me to write feel free to comment here!!!

I'm also planning on making an actual story bout these two, so if your interested tell me, I'll love to have your guys' support!

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