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Why did she have to be so... so damn cute."

-Bakugou!- Kirishima called

-Hm?- Katsuki answered

-Are you okay?- The red haired one asked-
you've been looking at the wall for a while-

-I'm fine!- The blond yelled

They both turned their heads when in the silent hallway they heard the most beautiful sound ever, Ochakos' laugh.

-Deku stop!!- She cried- I-I hate tickles!!-

-Oh no, it's not Deku, it's the tickle monster!-

It had been less than a week since they had announced they were boyfriend and girlfriend. They hadn't left each others side since.

Katsuki groaned in annoyance and looked the other way.
Kirishima saw him, in his usual frown he noticed some small hints of jealousy.
-NO WAY!- He yelled, he followed it with a whisper- You like Ochako-.

-WHAT!- The blond one yelled- What makes you think that!-

It was only them four in that hallway, and Kaminari, but they were just out of training so he was in his stupidest face hitting his head to a wall.
As couples do Ochako and Deku had gone from tickles to kisses.

-Look at yourself dude, you'd love to be in Deku's shoes right now, I can see it in your face-.

-Shut up- He answered in a low voice leaving to his room, not without pushing Deku, further proving Kirishima's point.


-So babe!- Ochako asked- Truth or dare?-.

-Truth- Deku answered

They were in her room and decided to play, there were no steamy things, he was to innocent.

-If you weren't to become a hero, what would you like to be?-

-Nothing-his phone rang- Oh! It's Iida, he says he needs me, I'll see you later-.

-Bye babe!- he kissed her on the check
Minutes after he left there was a loud sound, almost like an explosion. It was an explosion. She immediately left the room and heard the problem.

-Okay I like her!-Katsuki yelled-I have a crush on Ochako!-

They didn't think anyone was in there after the couple left, oh boy where they wrong.


Ochako locked herself in her room, flustered as one can be.


Over 5 weeks passed and everything was normal...ish.
Ochako couldn't help but think about what she heard. She was dumbfounded by the fact that Katsuki was capable of feeling something other than hate towards anyone outside his friend group. And attraction towards her is something she  could've never thought of.

Deku and Ochako broke up. They said it was just for the time being, that when they weren't so focused on trying to become pro hero's then they'd see what happens.

Kacchaco one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora