The i love yous

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Soooo to begin, in this au I just made up uraraka is part Latina cause my Latino ass wants representation and I need her to speak Spanish. Now that that's out of the way.... let's go!!

"Uraraka?" He asked to get her attention

"Yes, babe?"She responded with a bright smile

" I love you"

"Yaaaaaa" she looked the other way

Oh no, oh no, oh no no-no-no. What?!

Midoriya and Uraraka had been going out for a month. That's a pretty decent while right, why did his "I love you" feel so wrong? Doesn't she love him? What the fuck was going on in her head?

"Yo también te quiero" she mumbled stupidly. When she was nervous or uncomfortable she rambled and mumbled in Spanish, using what her mom taught her about her culture And putting it to use.

"What does that mean?"
"It's translated to... what you said"
"So you feel the same"

"Pink cheeks!"
Saved by the talking bomb.
"Oh yeah! Sorry Deku I have to go study"

In past months they had noticed they could help each other out with school and training, well, he could help her with school she could help him be a better hero. Also, they had started to be closer friends, they had some inside jokes, she considered herself part of both the dekusquad and the bakusquad, but ever since she started dating Deku, she was more with the bakusquad.

Finally, in her room, she decided to speak.
"I need to break up with him" she threw herself onto her bed for énfasis.
"What the fuck do you mean cheeks?"
"I can't with Deku"
"I insist"
"I just can't" she insisted, "he told me he loved me and I said 'te quiero'"
"The fuck that means cheeks?"
"It means I love you, but it doesn't"
"Well..." she stopped on her tracks, did she not love love her boyfriend "in Spanish, there are two I love yous, te amo which is the lovey-dovey one and te quiero which is the friendly one. And I know we've been dating for months but I took his I love you as a "te amo" and I just don't love him back, not like that"

"Lemme get this straight, I te quiero you, cause we're friends and he te amos you, 'cause you're partners"
"But yo no lo amo" she gestured to translate, first at herself then shaking her fingers, then a heartbreak. Right then she realized, just how heartbroken Deku would be.
"I can't break up with him, he would hate me!"
"Do you want to be with him" he emphasized every word to make her realize her contradictions.
"No... but I don't want him to hate me"
"Well too bad for him, if you don't love him, leave"
"Why are you so fixated on me leaving Deku, why can't we be a failing relationship"
Katsuki got up from the chair he was sitting in and she sat on the corner of her bed.
"Because I don't want you to suffer like it looks like you've been"
"You're not wrong but-" her words were cut off by a certain someone getting to close and closing the distance between them.

It was so passionate she could barely keep herself from falling, she hadn't told him to stop, she didn't want him to.

"Katsuki," she said in a second they were apart
"This" she managed to spit out
"Is wrong" she said as he pushed her onto the bed and laid on top of her
"It doesn't feel wrong to me" he whispered in her ear.
She pushed him again "Give me a second, okay?" She asked getting up from her bed and looking at the boy in front of her.

ohhhhhh cliffhangerrrrr

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