(CH1) Shoot! (✅)

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Y/n flutters his eyes open as he's met with the rays of the sun

He moves away from the sun in his bed.

... But realizes his break is over.

Y/n slowly gets up and stretches

Y/n: *Yawn* Another morning... What game should I play today... Hmm. I should ask twitter...

Y/n leans over his table that has his phone

Y/n picks up his phone and inputs his mediocre password: "IHateMath45ItSucks"

Y/n still laughs at his own password sometimes for some reason

Y/n goes to twitter

Y/n posts:


Everyone, I need to ask something, what game should I stream today? Give me your suggestions! Thanks!

Today, 6AM"

Y/n puts it down for a bit and finally stands up. His feet still covered in his blanket making him trip.

Y/n silently died and got up. He then walked to his bedroom door and opened it.

He opened the lights to his hallway and looked towards his kitchen.

Y/n walked towards his kitchen and approaches his fridge

After looking at his fridge's contents, which was not much, he decided that he will have Salad and Grilled Cheese, and hot coffee for breakfast.

Honestly it's gross, however, he wanted to try it out

Y/n took out the ingredients and prepared the grilled cheese.

Y/n made the uncooked grilled cheese, wrapped it in aluminum foil and put it in the toaster

While his grilled cheese was toasting and melting, he began to work on the salad.

He took some vegetables and some dressing from his fridge and counter, and he mixed them well

A few seconds later he was now done mixing, Y/n now went back to his counter and took out coffee, milk, and some sugar.

Y/n prepared some boiling water. Y/n checked on his grilled cheese to see that it cooked perfectly well.

He took out the grilled cheese and put it in a container with the top on to keep it hot.

Y/n made his coffee, but without the hot water, while he was waiting he looked to his pet dog and saw that she had no more food and water.

Y/n saddened at his cute dog being hungry all night, he once again went to his counters and looked for his dog food.

He found the dog food and set it on the table, after he did that, he took some clean bottled water and took the dog food.

Y/n filled his dog's tray with dog food and water.

Y/n, now satisfied, checked to his kettle and saw that it was now boiling.

Y/n stopped the heat and picked up the boiling hot kettle.

Y/n poured some hot water on the coffee he previously made earlier.

Y/n stopped pouring a second later and set the kettle aside to maybe use for later.

Y/n took a mixing spoon from his cutlery drawer and mixes his hot cup of coffee.

Y/n took a chair and placed it to where he was going to eat, Y/n began to eat before saying,

(VOL1) How did I end up in this situation!? (Youtuber male reader x Hololive)Where stories live. Discover now