Chapter 5: Confrontation, Part 2

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Sunken Forest, 7:19AM

Sonic: Wow...

Silver: He's serious. *Really* serious... Should we stop him?

Sonic: I'm considering that. We want him *defeated*, not dead!

Takeru would continue his onslaught, beating him left and right, up and down, forward and back, without letting up.

Silver: Wow...

Takeru: Take this!!

Sonic: !

Silver: Takeru--!!

Eggman was sent flying, leaving behind a trail of blood. He powered down and saw the trail to Eggman.

Sonic: Takeru...

Silver: He's relentless. Like a different person...!

Takeru: ! Wait, right. I forgot about this hunk of junk.

Takeru would punch and kick the Eggformer, destroying it.

Takeru: Phew... Done and done... for now, at least.

Sonic: Why don't you try to chill?

Takeru: Can't. Not while Eggman's still out there. I need to at least take him out.

Silver: Takeru, you were awfully serious about that...

Takeru: Sorry! I was just caught up in the moment!

Takeru laughed and walked back to Green Isles with his mentors.

Green Isles, 7:21AM

Mobian 1: Hey, isn't that?

Mobian 2: I think it is! It's Takeru, and Sonic and Silver!

Mobian 3: Takeru, who defeated Eggman?

Silver: ??

Takeru would brush the dust off his body and warm up his arms.

Takeru: Me.

The Mobians gasped, then cheered.

Takeru: And that's not all! I got these little critters as well from the badniks.

The animals would jump from Takeru's hand and scatter.

Silver: You did good.

Takeru: It's not such a big deal. It's only defeating the Eggface, and his subordinates.

Sonic: Well how did you find him and the subordinates at the same time?

Takeru: I rolled around at the speed of sound. They'd no place to go but to follow my rainbow. Now, I can't stick around, I gotta keep moving on.

(Author's Note: I like Adventure 2, and that's why the reference to City Escape is there.)

Silver: Takeru.

Takeru: Huh?

Silver: Take this. It'll help you breathe in space.

Silver handed Takeru the Air Necklace, and Takeru put it on his neck.

Takeru: Thanks, but when will we ever go to space?

Silver: I know there'll be villains that originate from there. They'll aim for us. So if you're heading to space, you'd best make sure to have that on you at all times.

Takeru: Alright, but I can take it off in water, right? I don't need that to explore.

Sonic: HUH? But I can't even breathe in water!

Takeru: It's a little known fact. Hedgehogs *can* swim. But enough about that. It's time for me to go!

Sonic ZQ, Volume 1: Takeru's Arrival!Where stories live. Discover now