Chapter 6: A Star, a Train and a Ship

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Ice Cap of South Island, 7:25AM

Takeru would spawn the Orange Star (Sonic's Blue Star MK-1, but it's colored orange) and begin riding through the coldness of Ice Cap, not slowing down for badniks or anyone in his way. He'd eventually land right on the Goal Ring, warping him to a different variation of Ice Cap.

Ice Cap of the Land of Darkness, 7:26AM

Takeru: Yeeaaaaahhhh!!

Takeru would keep riding through the other variation of Ice Cap, noticing Big for a split second, and then riding on through.

Takeru: Alrighty then! Time to slow it down!

Takeru would slow down his Orange Star, then look at the sky. A giant airship would pass by, firing missiles.

Takeru: Argh, he just won't let up with wanting to kill everyone in this universe! 

He'd saw a train hovering in the air, moving in the same direction as the airship.

Takeru: How did that get there...? Oh, never mind. This time I'll get 'em good!

Cargo Mines, 7:28AM

Takeru would run in the direction of the train, and see the airship firing a missile at it.

Takeru: Eggman...

He quickly beat some badniks and jumped from crate to crate, reaching the highest point he could.

Takeru: Not NEARLY high enough to get to the hovering train...

The missile would impact the mines, with Takeru getting blown away, but making a recovery.

Takeru: Ugh! Time to jump!

He'd jump from plank to plank, getting high enough to reach the train, but grabs it by the back of it.

Takeru: I don't even understand how this is--.... wait! I think I see it!

Takeru's Thoughts: If I can Chaos Control high enough, I can get to the root of the rope, cut it off and stab a handle right into the airship! That way, I can follow it to its destination! Better yet, I can stab more handles into the airship to get up to the deck of it and defeat whoever's in there!

Takeru: Here goes nothing!

Takeru would Chaos Control and cut the rope to the airship, then VERY QUICKLY replaces the missing rope with a handle and continues climbing, until he gets from the bottom to the top of the airship.

Takeru:! I'm coming for you! You'd best be ready!

Eggman: RRGH, that pest'll make me REAL mad.  I guess it can't be helped! I'll come out there and beat him myself!

Eggman set the airship to auto-pilot and went out into the exterior of the airship.

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