Chapter 9: Takeru VS. Metal Takeru!!

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[From this chapter forward, the volume will change its style from <Comic> to <ComicToon/AniManga>, meaning that music tracks WILL play throughout the volume.]

Name: Silver - Japanese Name: シルバー - Height: 100cm - Weight: 77lbs - Mentors: None

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Name: Silver - Japanese Name: シルバー - Height: 100cm - Weight: 77lbs - Mentors: None

Likes: A peaceful world, blue skies, seeing happy people, serving the greater good, helping others, Blaze, Espio

Dislikes: Iblis, Ifrit, injustice, being interrupted en route to his goal, anyone who considers him a suspect or is manipulating him, seeing people brought down in any way, the world being in danger.

Abilities: Psychokinesis (albeit referred to as telekinesis in this volume), driving, grinding, Chaos Control (using two Chaos Emeralds, with one person holding one and Silver holding the other) & Super Transformation (using all 7 Chaos Emeralds)

--Chapter Start!--

Lost World, 8:15PM

Takeru and his metallic counterpart would look each other in the eye.

Takeru: ....So you're meant to be me, huh? Hmph. I'll take you down with ease. Just give me 3 seconds to bring on the pain.

The auto-attacking pawn would target Takeru and launch at it, but Takeru just punches it 8 times, damaging it. He'd end it off with one final spindash into its core, destroying it completely, and he would land.

Takeru: This time there'll be no more interruptions!

Takeru would raise his head to look at his metallic counterpart, and the two would use their Super Peel-Out at the same time. The two would clash, and the metal floor below them slowly crumbles.

Takeru: It doesn't matter now what happens to you. I'll never give up the fight to save Mobius! You're nothing!


Takeru and Metal would stop at the same time, then jump and throw punches at each other. The blows would shock the entire temple, and bolts would impact it. They'd both stop.

Takeru: *huff, puff, huff, puff* Damn... You're one strong piece of metal! But that's not worth anything.


The two would clash again.

Takeru: You may know everything I'm gonna do, but that won't help you, because I  know everything you're gonna do! We are one and the same, fighting each other for victory! Strange, isn't it?! GRRRR...!

???: White Gale!

A white tornado would hit both of them at the same time. It'd stop spinning, revealing a girl with white fur.

Takeru: Huh...? Who are you?

???: You don't remember me? I'm Yumiko. Yumiko, the Morph.

Yumiko: And I'm here to take your metal clone down!

Takeru: Yumiko, hang on. There's no way you can take him on alone!

Yumiko: Takeru, I think it's best that you rest.

Takeru: Yumiko, don't get too full of yourself.

Yumiko: Look who's talking!

Takeru: I can take it. It's me, and I'm it. But this junk has one thing that it's lacking: A HEART!!

Takeru powers up.

Metal Takeru: Da-da-da-da-data does not compute...


Takeru would rush towards Metal Takeru, punching him over and over again and uppercutting him. He'd then use half of his aura to form a spiritual sword, and use it against him. Takeru utterly overpowers his metal counterpart, not just with his sword, but with his bare hands. He reforms the aura into one again and obliterates his metal counterpart with a blast.

--Takeru's Point of View--

The smoke had dissolved and I was injured. The counterpart was strong, felt unbeatable. But like with the Day of Flames, and like with the unarmed fight with Eggman, it was a reminder to how much stronger I've got to become.

--Nobody's Point of View--

Takeru would roar with pride, being able to overcome his enemy, almost entirely by himself.

Yumiko: Good job, Takeru.

Takeru: Thanks, but it isn't over. I have to continue to find Eggman. He must be stopped. And since Sonic couldn't do it, it's up to me. I'll chase him to the ends of Mobius, and put him out of commission. And I'll do anything for that to happen. But I'll make sure he doesn't touch a machine ever again. For all that died in Green Isles, and for all of the animals he so mercilessly turned into batteries as robots! I swear on it!

Yumiko: Takeru...

Takeru: Now then... it's time to continue.

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