Chapter 8: Metal Takeru is Launched?!

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Lost World, 8:03PM

Takeru would come to a halt as he faces the ancient ruins.

Takeru: So this is where Eggman is... This place gives me memories... I'd best get going if I want to find him.

Takeru would walk into the temple, raising his guard. There seemed to be nothing suspicious about the place, and Takeru kept going. He'd have eventually seen some pieces of tech that weren't there before.

Takeru: What the...? I must be getting closer if these are here.

Strangely enough, he was right. He advanced into a path with the tech, and it kept appearing more frequently, meaning Eggman WAS here. Soon enough, the whole cave Takeru was walking in was filled with technology, and as he reached the end...

Takeru: Eggman!

Eggman: Argh, AGAIN!!?!?! You're such a pain in the--!

Takeru just laughs at Eggman, liking his anger.

Eggman: What's so funny?!

Takeru: The fact that you're angry and I haven't even done anything yet! You're sensitive over the smallest things.

Eggman: Shut your mouth!

Takeru: How about you, お前をバカ? (you idiot?)

Eggman: I'll KILL YOU!!

Takeru: When will you learn, Eggman?

Eggman: WHAT?!

Takeru: ... that no matter how many times you try, you'll always lose?

Eggman: Hmph... Fine.

Eggman would jump off his mech and push a button on his remote, not only switching the mech to Auto Attack, but also summoning Metal Sonic.

Takeru: Hm. Is this all you've got?

Eggman: No, but thank you for asking.

Eggman pushes the button again, and a pair of red eyes would glow behind Eggman.

Takeru: ?!

Green Isles, 8:09PM

Sonic would walk around, impatiently, while Knuckles watches him, and Silver flies to look for the seventh Chaos Emerald. Sonic has had enough.

Sonic: That's it! I'm going!

Knuckles: Sonic, hang on.

Sonic would begin running, but Knuckles restrains him back.

Sonic: Hey, lemme go!

Knuckles: You can't go without the power of the Chaos Emeralds. Silver's looking for the last one now.

Sonic: It's only Eggman. I've beaten him with ZERO effort, and I'm going, Emerald or no Emerald.

Silver: Sonic!

Sonic: It's about time.

Silver: You're fairly strange today...

Knuckles: Silver's back. I'm going to try looking for the Master Emerald. That bat girl must've stolen it again.

Silver: Good luck, Knuckles.

Sonic: Let's go help Takeru!

Lost World, 8:11PM

A pair of red eyes glowed behind Eggman, and it walked out of the shadows. It looked like Takeru, but different, and metallic.

Metal Takeru: What is your wish, Master Robotnik?

Eggman: ERADICATE this intruder!

Eggman would run out of the temple, and Takeru and his metallic counterpart looked at each other in the eyes, ready to strike.

We'll be right back!

Name: Takeru - Japanese Name: タケル - Height: 160cm - Weight: 48lbs - Mentors: Sonic, Silver

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Name: Takeru - Japanese Name: タケル - Height: 160cm - Weight: 48lbs - Mentors: Sonic, Silver

Likes: Chili dogs and/or tacos, pizza, his friends, making Eggman angry.

Dislikes: Anybody that gets on his bad side, being reminded of his past.

Jobs and/or Groups: None (as of yet)

Abilities: Spin Dash, Homing, Boost, Chaos Control (using a Chaos Emerald)

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