Chapter 15: Thief's Heist Fight & Eggman's Plot

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Metal City, 9:42PM

As Takeru and Silver went through the city, Takeru noticed the fatigue he'd built up from battling Eggman all the time. He simply sighed, and stopped walking, turning to Silver afterwards.

Silver: Takeru? What's wrong?

Takeru: Think we should rest a bit? I don't sense anything.

Silver: Yeah, I think that's our best bet. It's becoming clearer and clearer with each battle that you're getting tired.

Takeru: This city... it's very strange, yet interesting at the same time. How strange, I don't know myself, but it feels... better here.

Silver: This is a much more peaceful city than in my world...

Takeru: But... that's besides the point. <The inn I think we should go to> costs a minimum of 1500 Rings. It's expensive, but it'll hafta do.

Silver: Agreed. Let's go.

They'd both ran.

Jewelry Store, 9:45PM

Police: FREEZE! You have the right to remain silent! And anything you say or do will be used against you in the--

Masked Woman: --court of law? Nice try... but you've gotta catch me first.

The woman slightly chuckled, proceeding to smoke-bomb them right in the face. After the smoke cleared, she was instantly gone.

Officer: ARGH! This is *Cole* of Group A to group B! Suspect is trying to get away! Take action now! Over!

Group B Officer: Copy that. We're on our way.

Treetops, 9:47PM, Current Wanted Level: ★★★

<The Masked Woman's POV>

After I'd gotten away from the pesky police, I took off my mask temporarily, looking at the shiny treasure I got. So beautiful... but such a moment had to be ruined. RIGHT before the helicopter above me shined the light on me, I put my mask back on. No way would I reveal myself to them! I kept jumping from branch to branch, eventually switching to running on the ground. Two policemen in what seemed to be... flying cars... chased after me. It was clear that they were faster, but that also worked in my favor. I instantly grabbed one of the policemen and forced him out of the hovercar, unknowingly taking his gun also. I hit the gas as hard as I could with my heel, but barely gained any boost from doing so - the other officer was not too far behind me. Such nuisances they are, am I right? Dodging and weaving in and out of the trees like obstacles, I noticed the officer was now next to me. Either they were serious now, or I was slowing down. Before I knew it, we were out of the forest and into the highway. The officer got close enough to me to stun me for a couple of seconds. I snapped out of it quickly, though, right when I nearly got apprehended. I got out of the car and ran, some of the cars nearly running me over, then jumped over the fence next to me, going a different route. I ran for about 3 minutes, but sadly, I was out of stamina. Fortunately, the police were dumb enough to overlook my location, so I eluded them pretty easily. This is my victory. I looked at the big diamond I'd obtained. It looked like the Master Emerald, but much smaller. Not as big as the Master Emerald, but not nearly as small as the Chaos Emeralds. Interesting... I then quickly proceeded to run out from under the bridge, holding my prized possession in my arms and never looking back.

<Nobody's POV>

???, ??:??PM

???: Sir, we've got some news.

???: This had better be good. What is it?

???: Here's the video.

???: Hmph, we know of the heist, but do we have any data of who the thief is?

???: None yet, sir, other than it seems their friend is <an orange hedgehog>.

???: An orange hedgehog, hm...? Interesting.

???: The hedgehog's name is Takeru. He has--

???: Send <him> out. Take out the thief, and apprehend any and all of her allies.

???: But, sir--!

???: ...Do you understand? This is important. We can't just let them roam Mobius like this. They need to be apprehended right now.

???: Takeru's only ever destroyed--

???: Listen to me. This hedgehog is a threat to our world, and the thief isn't any better either. The thief is going to continue to steal unless you stop them. The hedgehog is likely to destroy our world if we let him slip by our fingers! Is that a good look to you? Is that how you think Mobius should be? Do you want justice, or corruption, maggot?

???: ...Justice.

???: Then go get him! And take any and all action necessary to beat the thief!

???: Yes sir...

Sunken Forest, 10:03PM

Yumiko arrived at the Sunken Forest. The view was unusual; because of the moon's light shining brighter than usual, the scenery was much more interesting to look at.

Yumiko: Never thought the forest would feel so refreshing. Especially this late at night... Guess I should explore!

She would walk around the forest. The crickets sung, the frogs hopped along the lily pads in the nearby river, and a couple fireflies were out during the night. It was a sight to behold. A few minutes later, when Yumiko got out of the forest, she had found another museum. Inside was a Chaos Emerald!

Yumiko: !? What... the heck is that doing there...? I'd best get that back.

Yumiko ran to the museum, disguised as a ninja. Behind one of the trees was a hooded person, who ran back to Green Isles, letting out <a quiet howl> as he ran.

Dusty Desert, 10:06PM

Eggman was working on something, in a warehouse with barely any lighting. Once again, he's up to no good. Hidden in the darkness were prototype models of Metal Sonic, Orbot, Cubot and the destroyed Decoe and Bocoe.

Eggman: Just a few more adjustments... and, done. Hah! Now, I'll be able to nail that hedgehog right on the bullseye! But just in case, some reinforcements.

Eggman turned to the prototype Metal, and grabbed its head, then proceeding to unscrew its head from its body, and unscrewing the shell of the body to work on the core of Metal Sonic. About 4 hours after he'd finished up, he got a little sleepy, having worked overnight. He screwed back on Metal Sonic's shell, then hung it back up and went to sleep.

Sonic ZQ, Volume 1: Takeru's Arrival!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz