Chapter 13: Boom Sonic Marks His Debut!

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Green Isles, 9:15PM

As Takeru was falling from space to Mobius, people began to see him falling, along with the Space Carrier exploding.

Mobian 1: Hey, isn't that the upcoming hero?

Mobian 2: I wouldn't call him a hero, but yes. That's the hedgehog.

Mobian 3: We have to go save him!

Mobian 4: I agree, but how...?

Behind the shadows was a cloaked hedgehog, that ran VERY quickly to the scene. As soon as Takeru was about 10 feet in the air and dropping, the cloaked hedgehog had jumped high up, suffering severe damage, but being physically able to catch Takeru.

???: Ouch!

The hedgehog would hit the ground, Takeru in his hands.

???: Are you okay?

Takeru: Heheheh... I got them....

Takeru presents the three Chaos Emeralds.

Takeru: Sonic and Silver have the other four...

???: Me and Silver?

Takeru: Huh...?

Takeru wriggles out of the hedgehog's clutches, then gets up, shaking his head.

Takeru: You mean to tell me... you're Sonic?!

???: An iteration of him.

The hedgehog would take off his cloak.

Sonic (Boom): Look, you've got to be careful. We were all worried about you.

Takeru: Of me? Well... thanks.

Sonic (Boom): The good thing is that you stopped the Egghead, at least. And you got back the three Chaos Emeralds he stole.

Takeru: ....The day of flames. I think that's when he stole them. How didn't I know...?

Sonic (Boom): Seems as if there's more to you than meets the eye.

Takeru: You think so? All I did was try to recall what happened during that tragic event.

Sonic (Boom): Well, you have potential. I can at least tell you that much.

Takeru: Thanks, but I'll need more power and more allies if I want to take the Egg down once and for all.

Sonic (Boom): Well, let me help you.

Takeru: Sonic...

Sonic (Boom): An adventure's no fun if you're going it alone.

Yumiko: He has a point.

Sonic (Boom): Who are you?

Yumiko: I am Yumiko. And *you* look like Sonic. An imposter?

Takeru: No, though if it were, I'd have taken care of it by now.

Yumiko: There you go...

Sonic (Boom): I'm an alteration of your Sonic. All I remember is that I was pulled in by Eggman's machine, and I woke up here. I saved you.

Takeru: Thanks, but I'm not done yet. I may have beaten Eggman, but he's not gonna stay down for long. I'd best get going.

Sonic (Boom): Lead the way, Tak. I'll help.

Takeru and the Boom version of Sonic would leave. Yumiko just looks at both of them in confusion, but shrugs it off and runs off.

Chaos Chemicals, 9:17PM

Both blurs speed by, doing the usual: destroying badniks, collecting rings, and saving the day once more. But, when they arrived in Wave Ocean...

Wave Ocean, 9:18PM

They split up, and went in two different directions. Takeru went north-east, and Boom south-west.

<Takeru's Side and POV>

I came to a skid, smashing one more badnik before then. I almost feel as if I've been here before. But the layout's completely different, and there's not as many trees as there was in Wood Zone. Still, I'd best be careful. So I walked around, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. And when I expected it, I jumped out of the way, just before the blast made contact. I jumped from tree to tree and saw the badnik shooting at me. Of COURSE it was a chameleon, camouflaging itself. I kicked it in half before it could fade into the trees again. And I continued on and on, until I found a ring not like the other rings I'd collected before. It was giant, and I'd felt it was a trap. But I jumped into it anyways, and discovered it was the opposite. A special stage of sorts. Surrounding me was a field of blue, red and yellow spheres, and bumpers that push me backwards if I touch them. I had 147 spheres to go, and only 126 rings to find. If I got all of the rings AND spheres, I get a perfect in exchange, usually. But there was a different reward waiting for me. Not taking any further time to look around, I ran at about Sonic's speed, getting about 25 spheres and rings in one blur. In about two minutes, I got all of the spheres and rings. Not one, but two emeralds landed in my hands... and they weren't Chaos Emeralds. Surprisingly enough to me, they're Sol Emeralds! Instantly after I got the two Sols, I was back to where I was before I entered the ring. I ran towards the end of the zone, circling back to Green Isles.

<Boom's Side and POV>

There were more badniks on my side than there were Takeru's. So naturally, I did the usual: smash badniks, eat Chili Dogs, be a blue streak as I speed by... it's normal for me nowadays. Another set of badniks touched down, however, but they were more powerful than before. I started expressing difficulty in beating them, but I still did. How long will this go on? I defeated the last set of badniks that hit the ground, then sped through the rest of Wave Ocean, heading into the Dusty Desert after about 3 minutes of going at full speed towards it. I jumped from platform to platform, to pillar to pillar, and finally reaching a door only accessible by the one with all seven Chaos Emeralds. Eggman, as per usual, showed up. BUT, he was acting strange. Eggman was more... insane. Not even close to the one from my dimension. He, on sight, fired lasers at me, and I dodged them. Something was up with him. But I shrugged it and kept running away from Eggman's attacks. Eventually, though, when it seemed like he was open for attack, he blasted me five times, and I hit the ground. Eggman hopped off the Egg Mobile and started punching, kicking, and stomping me. His anger didn't even stop there. He was relentlessly hitting me, but eventually, he let up. I got up, attempting to reach the door. I escaped, but was severely injured. I limped back to Green Isles, my consciousness slowly fading away.

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