Chapter 12: Takeru, the Space Ace?!

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Green Isles, 8:50PM

Takeru: Mobians of South Island, hear my roar! For the greater good, and for everyone killed in "the Incident"...!

Takeru grins.

Takeru: ...I will save Mobius, and put an end to this. Even if it kills me.

Yumiko is proud, but Silver simply grins.

Takeru: ....I'd best get going.

Takeru begins glowing orange. He'd engulfed all of Green Isles in a white light.

Yumiko: Woah....

Sonic: I just saw a bright light! What happened?!

Yumiko: That was Takeru. Even while he's injured, he's still willing to fight.

Takeru planted his feet into the ground, then ran at the speed of light. Nobody was able to see him.

Aqua Planet, 8:50PM

He'd have skimmed across the water, not stopping for anything in his path, as with last time. But as soon as he'd spotted a giant mech around the corner, he simply spin-dashed through it, destroying it.

Takeru: Onto the next zone!... wait...

Takeru'd looked at the sky. What he saw was not what he expected - a faraway ship, looking as if it were in space.

Takeru: What...? How'd he get up there...? ....nevermind. This time, I swear I'll get him good!

Takeru ran from hill to hill, ascending further and further, until finally, he was at a high enough point for him.

Takeru: ... Here I come, Egghead.

Takeru would crouch down, then focus all his energy on his legs.

Takeru: Ready... set...

Takeru looked up at the sky. A trail of rings became visible in his path.

Takeru: GO!

Takeru jumped into the sky at a high speed, gaining momentum more and more with the power of the rings, until finally, he was fast enough to break the barrier and therefore, launch himself into space.

(Fun Fact: Takeru had put the Air Necklace on before launching to space.)

Space, 8:51PM

He'd floated around, looking for something - a meteorite, a platform, a full path - enough for him to advance to the ship, until finally, he found it. He hopped from asteroid to asteroid, reaching out for the platform he'd spotted. When he was close, he hopped off the last asteroid, grabbing the platform by its very edge. He swung around, turning it upside down, but he was able to plant his feet on the platform.

Takeru: Okay... Just need to keep this up. There's GOT to be a path here.

Takeru noticed the ship in the horizon, which was not much of a surprise to him. He noticed another set of asteroids, and jumped along them, eventually grabbing the very handle of the airship.

Takeru: Uggh...

Robot: Intruder alert. Will take action.

Eggman: No need for that. I've already got an idea to knock that... TROUBLESOME BASTARD... off the ship for good. It seems he's also wearing the Air Necklace as well... Guess I'll just have to take it off of him. Hehehehehe, I'll kill him for sure this time. I WILL HAVE VICTORY ON THE SPACE EGG!!

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