Chapter 16: Race to the Finish!!

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Majikoma Inn, 5:00 AM

Takeru: *yawn* Ah, that was a good rest.
Silver: Yo!
Takeru: Silver!
Silver: How're you?
Takeru: Feeling refreshed. Thinking I should use my modified Extreme Gear to race around the town.
Silver: That's good. But... I can't shake the feeling that there's a problem.
Takeru: Well, what's up?
Silver: It's only faint, so I can't tell at the moment... but I know something's not right.
Takeru: Well, if there is something up, leave it to me! I can get to the bottom of this.
Silver: I appreciate the bravery... but if I were you, I wouldn't take it too lightly.
Takeru: I guess that's true. But, we shouldn't worry too much yet. It's bad for the both of us. For now, let's just appreciate the fact that we get to chill for a while.

Takeru had taken his Orange Star, and was about to leave the inn, but turned to Silver.

Takeru: I'll be off now. But... take this. Just to stay in touch with me in case something does happen.
Silver: Thanks.

Takeru tossed Silver a communication device and left the Majikoma Inn, while Silver just lied on a nearby bed.

Silver: [...What's actually going on here...? Why am I getting this ominous feeling...? Takeru'd better be careful out there...]

Metal City, 5:05AM

Takeru: Alright. Now, what to do first...? Wait, I know! I should <stock up on some Chili Dogs.> Maybe they'll help in some way.

Takeru ate one of the chili dogs, then walked to a nearby convenience store, thinking it'd be best to get more just in case.

Dusty Desert, 5:10AM

Eggman: That hedgehog... I don't know where he came from, or who he's supposed to be, but I know now that I've two nuisances to deal with... I hate those hedgehogs...

Eggman, grumbling those words to himself, continued to work on the beta Metal Sonic. It was almost complete, with a few bugs to iron out. He grinned sinisterly, 100% confident that this was the perfect plan. He turned to the destroyed Decoe and Bocoe, whose bodies have a gaping hole through them.

Eggman: Incompetent fools... I don't have time to waste on repairing you hunks of junk.

Eggman turned back to the beta Metal Sonic, and continued to work on him. In only 17 minutes, maybe more, the prototype was finished. He powered it on, and chuckled to himself.

Metal Sonic: Unit 06582X18579 - codename: Zenith of the Epsilon Technostructure Association (Z.E.T.A.) Metal Sonic - has been powered on. What may I do for you?

Eggman: Good... you're awake. Now, ZETA Metal Sonic... find that orange hedgehog, and kill him on the spot!

Z.E.T.A.: One result matches - orange hedgehog. Name - Takeru the Hedgehog. Time to hunt.

The Z.E.T.A. Metal Sonic, powered by improved Jet Boosters, flew off to Green Isles. Eggman chuckled maniacally, feeling that this was his time. His moment.

Green Isles, 5:12AM

A few Mobians were walking around the zone. Some of them were lying on the grass, some having fun and going to events, and others enjoying the view and beauty of the Isle. Amongst these joyed Mobians was Boom Sonic, who could be seen, for once, eating something other than chili dogs. He met and greeted a few Mobians, and made some crude jokes towards them, just for fun. Riding into the zone was Takeru, who came to a skid on his Orange Star and hopped off, walking towards Boom Sonic.

Takeru: Yo!
Boom Sonic: Hey!
Takeru: How's your day been?
Boom Sonic: Good. Thinking of going for a run.
Takeru: I don't think there's much for me to do here. I checked everywhere I went. Not even a bolt to be found. So I guess I'll go as well.
Boom Sonic: That's great! Race you to the wasteland?
Takeru: Hm, alright, let's rock!

The two sped into the horizon. A few Mobians happened to notice them running. Some laughed, yet some complained about how almost half the citizens do the same thing.

Starting at Green Isles, the two friendly competitors were equal in speed. Neither of them ran out of stamina.

Next, they vaulted over obstacles, high places, and scaled up rooftops, as they got ever so closer to the desert

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Next, they vaulted over obstacles, high places, and scaled up rooftops, as they got ever so closer to the desert.

By the time they got there, Boom Sonic won by a nose. They slowed down and walked around the wasteland.

Takeru: Phew... the wasteland...
Boom Sonic: That was a fun race!
Takeru: Agreed! But... not only does this place reek of blood and dinosaurs... but this place also gives me unease.
Boom Sonic: Unease? Loosen up a bit, Tak! What could go wrong?
Takeru: Eh, you may be right.
Boom Sonic: Hey, look up there!

Boom Sonic pointed to the rock, which emitted <a shadow on the very tip of it.> Takeru, having felt that it was strange for that type of thing to happen, jogged towards the rock and looked up. To Boom's dismay, the person walking on top of the rock was Shadow - but <he was stranger than usual.> Boom Sonic and Takeru looked at Shadow, who was blocking the sun.

Takeru: Shadow! Way to make an appearance, man!
Boom Sonic: Takeru...
Takeru: Yeah?
Boom Sonic: I'm pretty sure that's not Shadow.
Takeru: Ha? It's exactly him, what do you mean?
Boom Sonic: He's not his usual self. I can feel it.
Takeru: Pfft, if you're talking about him being edgy up there, Shadow's always been like that. You told me to loosen up, why don't you take your own advice?

Shadow, having said nothing, simply pointed an MP5K at Takeru and Boom Sonic.

Takeru: !! ****, let's go!

[To be continued in Volume 2]

[To be continued in Volume 2]

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