Chapter 14: An Aquatic Base and the Metallic City

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Dusty Desert, 9:30PM

<Boom's POV>

Injured, I kept walking forward, getting to Green Isles. Some Mobians were worried. Others, not so much. But as I kept looking at the Mobians... I eventually came to a halt and hit the ground, losing consciousness soon after. Well... I guess this is my stop for now.

<Nobody's POV>

Mobian: Sonic!!!

Mobian: We're all gonna die!

Mobian: Wake up, this isn't true!

Mobian: Hmph, what a weak hedgehog.

Mobian: I pray to the gods above... please let him be OK...

Mobian: This can't be happening!

Mobian: You're our savior, right? Right?! Get up!

Mobian: Please, don't die on us!

Takeru reached Green Isles, noticing Boom Sonic. Not saying a word, he'd rushed from Green Isles to Snake Village, in only 2 minutes.

Snake Village, 9:32PM

Once Takeru got to the Snake Village, he'd put Boom Sonic down.

???: Sonic?

???: He's injured, no!

???: What will we do?

Trixie: Takeru, I see you've come back.

Takeru: Short time no see. Can you take care of Boom?

???: What about you?

Takeru: I'll go after that ol' Egg. He must be stopped.

Trixie: Good luck.

Takeru would speed through the desert, the quicksand being like water to him. Then after he'd reached Green Isles, he sped all over South Island, zooming through zones and bopping badniks. But up until now, Takeru didn't notice that Eggman was underwater, not usually in the skies or on the ground. He looked down to the ocean. A few more Mobians gathered around him.

Green Isles, 9:34 PM

Mobian: Takeru?

Mobian: Are you OK?

Mobian: What are you looking at?

Takeru: ...Eggman's down there. In the ocean.

Mobian: Schemes are once again in the air for that tubby moron.

Takeru: Heh, but as usual, I will stop them.

Mobian: This really feels repetitive. Why doesn't he just give up already?

Takeru: He's never been like that. And I don't expect him, of all people, to start now.

Aquatic Base, 9:35 PM

<Eggman's POV>

I had finished my lair and went into it. I was alone, nobody was with me. BUT I had a plan, so I didn't care. I fired up the terminal, aiming to cause havoc and terror, as with the Day of Flames I... toootally did not start. But that blasted hedgehog went down there himself, not having anything over his neck. I was irritated. There was no way he was able to swim, let alone without an Air Necklace. But I didn't care. I fired 8 blasts at him. 7 he either dodged or blocked, and 1 he took a clean - or should I say, dirty - hit. The hit he took left enough of an opening for me to fire more blasts at him and come out of the lair, ready to hit him. I hit him 8 times, but he snuck a punch in my face. He then, using his telekinesis, threw a few objects towards me, which hit me. The freaking hedgehog grinned, and got up, feeling confident that he's stronger than me! The bastard shot a hole into my lair with his Spin Dash, then as he was preparing to Spin Dash again, I fired missiles at the hedgehog. But he cancelled out his Spin Dash for a boost of horizontal jumping power! He swayed past the missiles and kicked me right in my stomach. I rose up, then swam to the surface. But the hedgehog just wouldn't freakin' let the hell up! He grabbed my leg, then threw me into the sky, chasing after me and beating me up multiple times. The hedgehog finished with one last kick, sending me flying! Curse you... hedgehog!!

<Nobody's POV>

Takeru: That'll show you, Egghead!

The Mobians saw Eggman in the air and cheered for victory, and Takeru would make his way up back to South Island, taking about a minute at max speed to do so.

Takeru: I'm back!

Mobian: That was great!

Mobian: We heard your pathetic call. Do you think you're so great?

Mobian: You're too cool, hedgehog!

Takeru: Hey, stop. It's still not over. Orange Star!

The Orange Star would materialize, and Takeru would get on it. The Mobians gasped, then clapped.

Takeru: Be back in a moment!

Takeru would fly away on his Orange Star, heading straight for the Snake Village.

Snake Village, 9:39 PM

The (anthropomorphic) snakes of the village ran for their lives. It seemed like a large invasion was going on. But Takeru arrived all the same, and beat some of the robots in a split-second.

Takeru: My! That's not too shabby a performance. For robots, that is.

Trixie: Takeru!

The snakes turned back to see Takeru on the Orange Star. But he wasn't here for the praise. So he jumped off of it and began boosting past every single enemy in a circle, which formed a tornado soon after. The tornado sucked up every single robot and destroyed them. When the smoke cleared, all that was left of them was the cores and chips that ran the robots in the first place. Takeru picked one up and looked at the core, which was neon, unlike the others.

Takeru: Hm... I think *Tails* should know how to do this type of core. Sorry for the trouble, ladies, but it's best I head on out.

Takeru would get on his Orange Star, riding away at the speed of light.

Trixie: ...That was fast...

Metal City, 9:40PM

Takeru rode across the technological city. He ramped into the air, pulling off sick tricks before hitting the ground. Silver rode in, soon after, and he was able to catch up to Takeru. They both stopped.

As there was no more danger for a while, Takeru explored the city. He had looked at the two Sol Emeralds he got on the way.

Takeru's Thoughts: [What were they doing in the special stage...? And how did they get here in the first place...? And not to mention... those robots that surrounded the village... they didn't seem like Eggman's... What is going on?]

Silver just looked at Takeru, with a mix of concern and worry, then closed his eyes, thinking it's not best to pry into him now. They'd both have continued on, not worrying about much.

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