Chapter 18

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Author's pov

"You really want to steal all in that museum? Oh, this will be one of my greatest and bloody masterpiece in my family generations! After we're done, I will be a legend like Robin Hood but sexier" Melissa said which Toshikazu and Ryuuji nod. They were in Dragon King's Palace which Nishinoya was shaking Hinata and Kageyama for not telling him that Melissa was hot. Daichi soon told him to let go of Hinata and Kageyama which he stops and let go. Hinata soon explains that he didn't know that Melissa was 'quite of attractive' British woman. Nishinoya soon nods while Tanaka thought that Kiyoko was more 'hot' than Melissa despite her enchanting charm. "Are you guys sure that that red-haired woman is surely a professional thief? She looks like she comes off from Las Vegas and smells like alcohol. She must a fraud" Tsukishima said which Nishinoya and Tanaka told him to be more 'respective' with women.

Tsukishima scoff while Melissa laughs at him which got them confused while Kageyama knew he was about to get karma. "Fraud? The only this is fraud is your wallet. Your car's license got dodgy, that's slag off!" She laughs as she was holding Tsukishima's wallet. Tsukishima was shocked as other Karasuno's members except for Yachi, Hinata, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi wallets were gone. Melissa soon shook off her purse and seeing all their wallets were there. They were shocked. "One thing I know about this Red Haired Disaster, never underestimate her and her abilities. She's quite cunning and scheming" Toshikazu said. Tsukishima soon demeans her to return his and the other's wallets back which she did.

Tsukishima was annoyed while Kageyama smiles. "So, every year. Kyoto National Museum holds off every great party with celebrities and as well, rich and wealthy people. This year, they will show off the great Demon Lord's sword Benizakura and the Sword of Heavenly Iron Tentetsutou. So, we going to steal the Jew's jewelry and Benizakura. Thanks to Ryuuji, we got a cubic zirconia replica to make replicas of the jewelry and as well, a replica of Benizakura" Toshikazu said which Hinata asked him that their heist isn't like 'Ocean's 8' which Melissa laugh that everyone looked at her. "That movie Ocean won't be a big star if the writer and director didn't base on me and my older brother's heists and masterpieces," Melissa said which everyone was shocked except for Toshikazu, Abigail, Ryuuji, and Pilar.

"Danny Ocean and Debbie Ocean are based on you and your brother!? Oh my God, that means all those greats movies of Ocean were based on real-life!" Hinata shouted which Melissa laugh and seeing the writer and the director are friends with her family. Hinata was amazed along with Nishinoya before Kageyama asked him how they will get in and get the jews to make copies since they need a jewelry maker. "Don't you think we already solve that problem? Do you remember Yoshie Kamiyama? well, his family, the Kamiyama Family are known for their artistic and handcraft which they can master anything type of object. They will help us in this heist which they will get the 20% off in their wallets" Toshikazu explain which everyone was a relief since they didn't know how they will pull it off. 

Toshikazu soon looks at Pilar who was eating a taco. "Pilar, you and Yoshie must go to the museum and assumed the identity of 'designer' and her 'boss' that Ryuuji and Yachi make for you guys" Toshikazu soon said which Pilar nods and walked out of the room. "Okay, let's focus on the heist," Toshikazu said.

Pilar soon walked out of the Dragon King's Palace and take a taxi which she gives directions to the Kamiyama's mansion which was it took 27  minutes which she got into the Kamiyama's mansion which she got out of the car and enter the mansion. She soon stepped into the gardens where she saw Yoshie. Yoshie's appearance slightly changes due to his long hair that he kept tied into a lower ponytail. He was wearing a transitional dark blue kimono with red flame patterns and a white sash along with white socks and brown sandals. "Hola, Yoshie" Pilar soon said which Yoshie soon turn around and seeing Pilar standing in front of him.

Yoshie smile as his gaze becomes soft when he saw Pilar. Pilar and Yoshie are a couple since in this highschool which in the second year, Pilar come to Japan and join Abigail's school. Due to the school wasn't very strict with their codes. Pilar wore a long maxi skirt with side slits and knee boots, her shirt was slightly open and with no tie or ribbon on it. They connect and they fall deeply in love with each other after she helps him out to talk with his father.

"Toshikazu-sama has a job for us, isn't it?"


"I guess it times for the fox do his cunning scheme"

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