Five (What he makes her feel)

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Five (What he makes her feel)

Pick me. Choose me. Love me. – Meredith Grey

“Let me get this straight. You work at a car shop but you don’t have a car?” I ask as we’re walking towards my car. Harry had insisted on paying the bill like the gentleman that he is and of course I thought that was the loveliest thing and it earned him a few more points – as if he needed to score anymore on this date.

We both laugh and man is the sound of his laugh contagious, if this wasn’t funny, I’d probably still laugh just from that marvelous sound.

“I know that’s sort of weird, but I just don’t think it’s necessary,” he tells me, a sweet smile adorning his face. “I mean the shop is really close to my place and I don’t really go out much, if I do I just take the bus. I quite enjoy taking walks and taking the bus allows me to meet new people, so it all works out.”

I feel the heat on my cheeks as I glance at him and see that he was already looking at me. “Do you do that a lot? Meet random people on buses, that is.”

“Mostly old ladies, but yeah. Especially when I’m with Scott, that kid just can’t stop himself from speaking to strangers.”

“Scott? Is he a friend of yours?”

“Yeah, I guess you could say that. It’s complicated, I’ll tell you about it someday.”

Well that sounded kind of suspicious and it made me a little curious, but I’m just going to push it to the back of my mind and focus on the amazing guy that he is.

 “This is it,” I announce as we approach my car.

“Lara, I had a really good time. I hadn’t had such a great date in a long time, well actually I haven’t gone out with anyone in a very long time. But I don’t think it’s about that, I think you’re different. Different from what I’m used to, but a good different. I’ve just never met anyone quite like you and let me tell you that I really really like you.”

I could tell him that I was feeling the exact same thing or thank him for the sweet things he’s said but instead I ask, “How come you haven’t been out with anyone in a while?”

“Umm… I’ve just been busy. Some time ago I got some unexpected responsibilities that take on a lot of my time, I wouldn’t change anything but it definitely affected my dating life.”

“I haven’t gone on a date in a long time, too,” I admit quietly.

“Why not?” He asks, surprised.

I just hadn’t met anyone worth risking everything for. Going out with someone new means facing the possibilities that you can lose everything, but somehow I’m willing to risk it for him.

“Just haven’t met anyone that sparked my interest in a while.”

“You’re making me feel special, Lara,” he tells me teasingly and I laugh.

“That’s the point.”

And just after the words leave my mouth he gently pushes me back against the car door with a hand on the small of my back and another caressing my cheek, holding my stare with those green eyes. He carefully brings our foreheads together as my heart beats faster and my breathing gets out of control in anticipation of the feel of his lips on mine. When they finally touch I can’t even think of anything else but this moment… it’s everything I’d imagined.

The kiss is gentle, sweet and unfortunately ends way too soon.

“I’ll text you soon, Lara. I’d rather call you but since I know you’re not a fan of it…” He trails off and gives me one last smile before turning and leaving me stunned.

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