One (What she's staring and drooling at)

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One (What she's staring and drooling at)

 To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist. - Oscar Wilde

“Stop staring at him,” Luke hisses. He’s glaring me, probably annoyed with my lack of focus on the conversation, but I just can’t keep my eyes off of the guy that had walked in this small café just a few minutes ago. I’m not sure what it is about him, to be honest he looks sort of weird but also really attractive.

“He’s hot.” I shrug and drink another sip of my coffee.

“He is. Why don’t you go talk to him?” Luke raises his eyebrows in a challenging way, because he knows that I won’t do it. I would never just start a conversation with a stranger especially not if they’re as intimidating as that guy.

“Oh, I’m not interested.”

“What are you talking about? You’re basically drooling over him. I don’t why, I mean I’m way hotter and besides he looks kind of old.”

He’s probably our age, but of course since Luke still acts like he’s 17, he thinks everybody who actually acts their age is old.

Luke is hot and when I first met him, I had a crush, but now that I’ve known him for almost six years, I know that I could never go there. He’s got beautiful blonde hair styled in a perfect quiff, he has beautiful blue eyes, he’s tall, he’s smart and most importantly he cares a lot about me. He’s pretty perfect for me, but we both agreed really early on that we were too alike to date, we would look like brother and sister.

“I was thinking about setting him up with Paz.”

“What? Why would you do that? You’re obviously attracted to him. C’mon you’re beautiful, why don’t you ask him out? I’m sure he wouldn’t think twice before saying yes.”

Luke is forgetting a very important detail. I don’t date anymore. I haven’t dated anyone in two years, because honestly that would just be a waste of time. I used to date so that I could find someone to spend the rest of my life with, but when I was 22 I figured out that I just wasn’t meant to find anyone, so why bother?

“I think they would look good together.”

He groans in annoyance. “Why would you even bother trying to find someone for her? Paz is a bitch and I’m kind of sick of watching her take everything away from you.”

“She does not take everything away from me.” I narrow my eyes at him and he huffs crossing his arms over his chest.

“Yes, she does! She always gets what you want. I don’t know how you don’t resent her. I would. You give her everything and she gives nothing back. If you keep giving so much of yourself to her, someday you won’t have anything else.”

“Don’t talk like that about her, you know she’s my best friend,” I say softly and pout my lips.

“I’m your best friend! She’s just someone who uses you when she needs you. She never does anything for you, you’re always the one to make the effort in your friendship,” Luke speaks, sounding really frustrated. He runs his fingers through his hair, before reaching across the table and taking my hand in his. “I’m your friend. I’m the one who’s always there for you. I’m the one you talk about your day with and tell everything to. I’m the one who understands you, not Paz. I love you, Lara. Can you say the same about her?”

“I-I can’t just end a friendship, because she’s made a few mistakes. She’s been my best friend since kindergarten…”

“A few mistakes?” he asks bewildered. “She steals all your boyfriends from you. For god’s sake you even stopped dating because of her. She’s ruining your life and you’re letting her.”

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