Nine (What life is like)

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Nine (What life is like)

Don't fall in love there's just too much to lose. - Mayday parade.

Harry and I ended up having a second date on a Friday night. I chose to go to a museum which he was completely fine with. Most guys would have been completely bored but he seemed to love it just as much as I did. We shared a few new things with each other and kissed a little and then he walked me home and kissed me some more at my doorstep.

We had our third date a week later, we went to see a romantic comedy. He held my hand the entire time and although we didn't talk that much I felt myself getting closer to him.

Then came the fourth and fifth dates which were just as lovely as the ones before.

The real problem and the date I was truly worried about was the sixth one. We were going on a double date with Luke and Rose. I tried so hard to make Luke quit that idea but he seems to really want this so I ended up giving in.

Harry, of course, was completely fine with it, because he's nice and he seems to always say yes to anything I ask of him.

As I began to get to know Harry more and more I felt myself almost start to fall in love with him. The way he carries himself, the way he treats other people, how he says the sweetest things to me, how he tells stupid jokes, but not disgusting, sexual ones like most guys do, but cute ones that even though aren't funny at all you can't help but laugh at.

This guy makes me feel things I haven't felt in a really long time and although that's scary I'm willing to risk it all for him.

"What's Rose like?" Harry asks as we walk to the diner we're meeting them at.

"I'm not sure. I've only ever met her when we're around a large group of people and most of those times I was pretty drunk so... But I think she's nice, kind of bossy though and not very straightforward."

"How so?"

"I mean she always dresses like she's going to a wedding or something fancy, she doesn't like it when people curse, she barely let's Luke do anything. She gets mad at him if he spends too much time with me and that's kind of annoying," I tell him narrowing my eyes as I think of all the things Rose does that annoy me. "She's basically the opposite of Luke."

"Opposites do attract," he comments. "I'm guessing you're not a fan of Rose."

"No, I am. It's just lately she's been getting on my nerves. Luke is spending less time with me and more with her and it's still not enough for her. I think she's jealous of our relationship, even though we're just friends and we've got no feelings for each other whatsoever," I explain to him. "Luke and she have been fighting a lot and I can tell it's really been getting him down. I just want him to be okay and I don't think he can do that while he's with her."

"Don't you believe that they can work things out?"

"I wish I could. But I think they have different expectations. I think Rose sees this relationship differently from Luke. She's already thinking about moving in together, getting married, having kids, while Luke is nowhere near ready for that type of stuff. Luke is like a little kid and little kids can't take care of other little kids."

"I think you may be underestimating him."

"Trust me, I'm not. Luke is complicated and he has a lot of reasons to be the way he is and Rose doesn't know about them yet; so she isn't clear on what he wants out of his life. I am and I know that this isn't it."

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