Eighteen (What falls into place)

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Eighteen (What falls into place)

I'm meaner than my demons. - Halsey

The next on the list of people I need to have honest conversations with is my family. Ever since I found out that my father had manipulated everyone and cost so many of his employees their jobs I was never able to forgive him not even when he died. I was also never able to forgive my sister for supporting him when what he was doing was so wrong. And I was never able to forgive my mother for sticking with my father through it all.

Most people forgave my father when he died of cancer, I didn't. I could never forgive someone who caused so much harm to so many good people.

I was never close with my parents or my sister but what my dad did just caused a bigger riff between us.

That's why on a Saturday evening I drive to my mother's house for yet another family dinner, only this time I'm hoping to expose how I truly feel instead of keeping quiet until my sister gets on my last nerve.

I ask their full attention and then begin to speak to them about how I felt during my childhood, how my parents weren't present at all and how I resent them for it.

I express to them how I felt obligated to be perfect so that I could get their attention, but in the end nothing ever worked, they were always too busy for me.

I tell my sister about the pressure I felt because of how perfect she was.

I explain to them why I changed, why I was so hard on them, how I couldn't forgive them for standing by father.

I tell them about how I feel, because they never support me in anything.

It's a long and hard conversation that needs to be had. They sit and listen to my side of things and then I listen to theirs. My mother apologizes for everything and tells me how much she regrets not being more present while I was growing up. I'm surprised to hear my sister's apologies as well.

In the end we don't fix things, but at least we've made progress. It's hard work, but maybe one day we'll be able to actually get along and be a real family.

I tell them about how happy Harry makes them and they agree to meet him and Scott and be nice to them.

That night I sleep in my old bedroom, but miss Harry's body heat which he's been sharing with me ever since I moved out of my apartment and into his place.


I thought I saw the world for what it was, but things aren't always black and white, sometimes you've got to dig deeper. Sometimes the people who you trust the most are the ones who screw you over and sometimes the people you're reluctant to give a chance to are the ones who stay forever.

People who I care about will hurt me and I will have to make the tough decisions on whether or not to forgive them. Sometimes I will be the one to make mistakes and break someone else's heart.

All I know is that things change and what I think now isn't the same thing I will believe tomorrow. But the one thing that will never change in that there no lucky ones or unlucky ones, everybody gets their shot at love. For some it comes when they're young, other have to wait. For some it lasts a lifetime, for other it doesn't last long. But everyone has a soul mate.

You just have to let yourself find it.


"Harry?" I call out as I let myself into our place. I find Harry in the kitchen baking cookies with Scott standing on a chair next to him, helping him out.

"Baby, I thought you were only coming home tomorrow."

I shrug and smile, moving towards my two guys. "Changed my mind."

"Good. Scott missed you."

"Scott missed me, huh? No one else?" I tease him, wrapping my arms around him.

"I did too. Just a little bit though."


"Yeah. I kind of love you, you know?"

I giggle and so does Scott. "I love you, too. Even if you still don't have a car."

The end.

So this is it! I loved writing this story and I hope you loved reading it. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to vote and comment, it meant a lot to me and it definetely helped me get through writer's block. 

As always, thank you for reading! 

All the love.

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