Four (What he's like on a first date)

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Four (What he’s like on a first date)

It's time to let it go, go out and start again. - Kodaline

“F.uck, I’m so hangover right now. Everything hurts, I feel like dying. Just kill me already finish this… I can’t take it anymore, I’ve tried but I’m not strong enough. Tell Rose I love her and tell Paz she can go die of a painful death and-“

I roll my eyes and interrupt Luke’s rant. “Will you shut up! Geez you just keep going and going, maybe everything wouldn’t hurt so much if you shut your damn mouth for a second. And it’s like 4 in the afternoon, how come you’re still feeling this bad?”

“I have no idea, I really do think I could die. I don’t even know how I made it to your house.” He turns around in my bed laying on his back and squints his eyes at me. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready? I practically crawled my way to your house to make sure you don’t miss this date so you better put some effort into it.”

“I only have to be ready in like 3 hours and I don’t need you to check on me, I said I’d go on this date, didn’t I?” He nods. “Then don’t worry about it. I’m mad at you by the way.”

“What? Why? I’m dying and you have the nerve to be mad at me!”

“Don’t be a drama queen, Luke, you’re not dying. And I’m mad because you went out last night and didn’t invite me along.”

“It was a guy’s night out.”


“So I don’t remember you having a dick,” He states flatly.

“I still could’ve come. You always come with me everywhere, even work stuff. And you always bring me with you when you’re out with friends. Why couldn’t I come this time?”

“It was a different kind of night out this time.” I give him a confused look. “We went to a strip club,” he deadpans.

“I still could’ve gone with you.”

“Why would you wanna go to a strip club?”

“Why would you wanna go to strip club? If I remember correctly you have a girlfriend.”

“Fine,” he huffs. “Next time I won’t forget to invite you. Now can you please be quiet and come cuddle with me?”

I know I’m being a little pushy and Luke shouldn’t have to invite me to every single thing he does, but I really want him to. I used to be this really outgoing person who would go out all the time, I had friends in different circles, talked to lots of different people, did all sorts of different activities… and now there’s just nothing. I don’t do anything interesting anymore and the only times I actually have some fun are when I hang out with him.

And it’s my fault that I changed and pushed people away, but maybe if people cared enough they would have fought harder for me to stay. My friends just kind of accepted that I wasn’t the same anymore and didn’t even bothered to try and continue and be my friends, even though only a few parts of me had changed.

I’ve texting Harry a bit throughout the week and I know I shouldn’t let myself feel happy and excited every time my phone vibrates with a reply and I know getting my hopes up will only get me down, but I’m struggling with this loneliness and texting him seems to be the only thing helping me with it.

“No, I can’t. Sorry. I promised Paz I would help her pick out the colors for the walls of her new studio.”

“Are you kidding me right now? I basically died coming to your apartment with a hangover and now you’re ditching me for that slu-“

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