Two (What to think of Mr. Weird hair)

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Two (What to think of Mr. Weird hair)

You got the kind of look in your eyes as if no one knows anything but us. - Ed Sheeran

“Hey you,” he speaks up gaining the attention of pretty much everyone in the café except the person he’s actually calling. I bury my face in my hands desperately hoping that this is over soon. “I’m talking to you, guy with the crazy hair.”

Any other person would look really rude speaking like that, but Luke actually pulls it off. He looks like a really cool guy who’s just genuinely nice and likes to have a laugh.

“Hey Harry, I think he’s talking at you,” the girl behind the counter says.

The hot guy moves his eyes from his phone and looks around in confusion. “What?”

“Hey Harry, can you come over here for a second,” Luke speaks up once again. The guy looks really confused probably as to how Luke knows his name and is calling him over, but he obliges and slowly approaches us.

“Hi!” He awkwardly waves at us. “Have we met before or something? I don’t wanna be rude, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in my life.”

He’s even hotter up close. He does seem a bit older than us, but that doesn’t faze me. I’m just a little nervous probably because he’s so attractive and he’s standing right in front of me. I should have just kept my mouth closed and not stare at him for so long, that way Luke wouldn’t have noticed and wouldn’t have ruined my thing.

Now that I don’t date, I have a thing. Whenever I’m out I always look for someone who captures my attention and until I see someone else, I’ll daydream about that person. Not only sexually, but I actually daydream about the simple things, the conversations we could have, the hugs we could share…

And now he’s going to talk to me and he’s no longer only in my imagination which is probably going to ruin everything.

“Nah man, we’ve never met. I just heard that girl saying your name and since my friend here has been checking you up ever since you got here I thought I’d introduce you.”

“Luke,” I hiss as my eyes widen.

Did he really have to say that? The hot guy will think I’m some creep for staring at him for so long.

“What? It’s the truth.” He shrugs looking so innocent, but knowing perfectly that he’s getting on my last nerve. “I’m Luke and this is my best friend and in my opinion the world’s most awesome person, Lara.”

“I- it’s nice to meet you. I’m Harry.” He scratches his neck and smiles a little.

“So do you think she’s hot or not?” Luke asks bluntly.

“Oh my god Luke. Could you be any more embarrassing?” I groan into my hands and Luke chuckles.

“How is this embarrassing? I’m just asking him if he thinks you’re attractive which you obviously are and he obviously agrees. I’m making this easier for you two. So, Harry what do you say?”

Harry hesitates for a bit and I speak before he can, because even though I don’t really want to go on this date, I also don’t want to be rejected. “I’m sorry I was staring at you,” I state quietly.

“It’s fine, really. I didn’t even notice, I was too distracted texting my wife,” Harry says shrugging his shoulders.

My jaw drops and I get even more embarrassed. This is so bad. Luke is basically propositioning me to a married man. I look at him and he’s giving puppy eyes as if begging me not to kick his ass right now, which I might do.

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