Sixteen (What she doesn't understand)

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Sixteen (What she doesn't understand)

Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless. – Twenty one pilots.

All I can do now is wonder about what happened. How did we end up like this? How could Luke ruin something so good, something so rare, something so hard to find?

Me and you forever, yeah?

Was everything ever said between the two of us only empty promises?

Luke has been the only person I thought would always stay with me no matter what, through the good and the bad, but he certainly didn't feel the same, otherwise he wouldn't have left me so easily.

Just when I was starting to feel like I could have it all the universe goes ahead and proves me wrong. When things feel too perfect then it means something is about to fall apart and I should've known that already.

It's been two weeks and Luke still hasn't reached out to me. Part of me was hoping he would regret his decision and apologize for his behavior, but so far nothing of the sort has happened.

I did text him two days ago, because it's Luke and I miss him so f.ucking bad and I can't help but at least try to change his mind.

Lara: Why are you doing this?

To my surprise he replied rather fast, only it wasn't the reply I was hoping for.

Luke: Somebody has to.

Lara: I don't understand why this has to be done. I miss you so much. You're my bets friend.

Luke: No, that would be Paz.

And that was the end of that conversation. I want to see him, I want to look into his eyes again, I wants him to tell me that he's just playing some kind of sick joke on me.

That doesn't happen though and all I can do is spend all my free time with Harry and Scott and try to forget that the number one person in my life just left me without looking back.


"How come I haven't seen that dickhead you like to call your best friend in ages?" Paz asks, pretending to be interested in my life for once.

I shrug, not wanting to tell her the truth and having to hear yet another 'I told you so' like I had heard from my mum and my sister at the last family dinner when I told them what happened.

"So how's your dad doing? I haven't talked to him in a while," I speak, trying to change the subject.

"I haven't talked to him either. He always calls me when I'm super busy and I always forget to return his calls."

Sometimes I hate Paz a little bit even if I would never admit it to anyone. I get mad at the fact that she doesn't realize how lucky she is to have such good parents. She has no idea how lucky she is to have never been hurt by a guy before. She isn't aware of how much pain someone can go through before they decide that the person they are isn't right and they have to become someone else.

She doesn't know what it's like to see someone slip through your fingers and being unable to do anything about it.

Paz has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten and I never once doubted our friendship, even if I had every reason to. Even when everything about me changed I never once thought to question our bond. But am I being naive not to?

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