Chapter 1: Everything Goes Wrong

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Author note: Depending on the POV, here are the rules to follow to understand who says what:
-When the text is normal, it means it's just a phrasing of what's happening, from the respective character's POV

-When the text starts with a "-" it means that it's a piece of dialogue.

-When the text starts and ends with quotation marks, it means it is just in the character's head, kinda like what they think in that moment.

Also: if you're triggered by swear words, murder, blood and sex then leave. This is not for you.


Y/N's POV:

Me and my family are having a normal day. It is 7:35PM, we had just finished eating dinner, which was some takoyaki served with rice, soy sauce and wasabi. My parents settle on watching some TV, while me and my older sister decide to spend time on our phones, on our social medias.

*5 minutes later*

"Welp, I'm HELLA bored. Lemme scroll a lil' on Instagram. Wow, an old meme. Wow, another old mem-ooh nice titties. Lemme save that for later."

Y/N's older sister's POV:

"Oooohhh, who's this guy? Lookin' nice-Goddamn Kashinzu, I know you're my best friend but come on girl, I'm busy looking at this guy's abs, I got no time for your texts, I'll call you later. Ah, yes, that's what I'm gonna send her. SENT! NOW BACK TO THE FUN!"

3rd person, narrator-like POV:

The (Your Last Name) family was having a normal evening, minding their own businesses, but little did they know this day everything will change.

Y/N's POV:

"I'm sooo booored..."

-I'm going to my roooom! I shout towards my family and then stand up from the armchair in the living room.
-Fine, you better go to bed before 11PM, you gotta wake up for school tommorow! my dad shouts back.
-Daaad! It's mid-july! Summer break has just begun! I don't have school! I shout annoyed.
-I'm just messing with ya. Whatever, good night Y/N. says my dad between giggles.
-Good night, y'all! I shout.
-Good night, sweetie! says my mom lovingly at a lower volume.
-Good night, loser! my sister shouts mockingly.
-Ha! You're making me laugh! I'm not the one with an useless quirk, sis! You are! I shout trying to roast her.

She just stays silent.

"I got her, she ain't saying anything anymore, huh?"

I go towards my room, and right as I open the door, I hear a loud noise through the ceiling coming from the kitchen. It sounded as if some people have just broken through it.

-WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT!?! I scream panicked.

I then immediately run to the living room where I see my mom, my dad and my sister all petrified looking towards the hallway that was between the living room and the kitchen. I look towards it and my jaw drops as my eyes enlarge.

-WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE GUYS!?!? - I shout scared shitless.

5 weird-looking people were sitting there, on the hallway, staring back menacingly at my family.

-Hey, hey, hey look who we found! You are Y/N's parents, am I right? asks one of them in a raspy voice.

"What the-I, what even, I-what? Who's this guy? Why does he have hands all over him? Including his face! What the fuck? Where does he know my name from? H-He actually knows my full name!" was all that was going through my head.

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