Chapter 7: A Night For Two

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Y/N's POV:

After me and Himiko finished eating, we went to her place. On the way there, we stopped at a mini market to get some snacks and a bottle of soda. But when we were about to leave she told me to wait for her outside, because she had to go buy something she almost forgot about. I didn't really question it too much, but she seemed to be hiding the thing she bought from me.

We arrive at her place and she opens the door.

-Wow, I actually didn't expect your house to look this nice! It looks pretty nice for someone who lives alone. - I compliment.
-Hehe, thanks. I bought it for quite a cheap price, it was pretty used. But I managed to make it look pretty. Now, let's go inside, shall we? - she asks me.
-Yeah. - I say back.

We enter the house and take our shoes off, placing them in a bin. Apparently that's where Himiko put all her footwear. We enter the living room.

It was a relatively small living room with a double couch, small table in front of it, an armchair and a TV standing on a TV stand. Next to the TV there were two electric outlets stuck to the wall which Himiko used to charge her phone and drive electricity to the TV. In the corner of the living room there was also a drawer in which she kept a medical kit, some medicine, some of her make-up and hair arranging tools and some books.

I put my phone on the table in front of the couch and then both of us drop on the couch while sighing from exhaustion. We look at eachother and I ask:

-It's been a long day, hasn't it?
-Yeah... I'm pretty tired. - she answers.
-I think I'm gonna take a shower. - I say.
-Ok, the bathroom is at the end of the hall on the right. I'll be waiting and then I'll go take a shower too. - she informs me.
-Ok. Wait- I don't have changing clothes, you told me we're staying at your place way too late. I could use my quirk to travel home very quick but I'm too tired to do even that. And I also don't feel like getting too emotional.
-You could call your sister to bring them over. - she suggests while shrugging.
-You're right. - I say.

I stand up from the couch and pick my phone up from the table. I call my sister and tell her to bring me a t-shirt, a pair of boxers and some pajama pants.

-Aaawww, does my lil' bro need some clothes? Is he gonna sleep with his girl? - my sister teases me over the phone.
-Yeah, yeah, whatever! Just bring them over! - I shout embarassed.

I then close the call.

-Here, Y/N, use this to dry yourself. - Himiko says handing me a clean towel.
-Thanks! - I say.

Himiko's POV:

While Y/N was still taking a shower, his sister Nijipai arrived in front of my house and handed me his change clothes.

-Hi, Himiko! Here, take his clothes. Please, don't be too rough with my brother. He's never done it before. - Nijipai says.
-I won't promise anything! - I say while blushing.
-Haha, ok. Bye! - Nijipai says.
-Bye! - I say before closing the door.

I then sit on the couch, waiting for Y/N to finish taking a shower.

Y/N's POV:

I finish taking my shower and dry myself with the towel Himiko gave me. I then call after Himiko, asking her to bring the clothes my sister brought. She throws the bag with the clothes at me and I start dressing up. I then walk into the living room where I see Himiko watching TV while sitting on the couch. I tell her that I'm all showered up and she can go take a shower now too.

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