Chapter 17: The Grand Finale

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Yep, I'm ending the story prematurely. Sorry guys, it's kind of a sudden ending, but I'm losing interest in writing this. I'll try to give as good of a finale as I can. By the way, this chapter will be switching between the perspectives of Y/N's and Himiko's children. Their twin 34-year old offspring, their son Ketsueki, and their daughter Amaisawa.

Ketsueki's POV:

My father passed away recently, as if it wasn't enough that my mom passed away a few months ago. After my mother passed away, my father started feeling way more sad than usually.

He didn't treat us worse, he still loved me and my sister Amaisawa, and he was just as willing to spend time with his niece, my daughter Koripesuto. But he started drinking more alcohol, and getting tired more easily.

Also, my sister officially divorced her douchebag husband yesterday. She came crying at me and I cheered her up by reminding her that her life is not over, and that there are other people she could be together with. And if none of it works out, she can always come to her 5-minute older brother for support.

My daughter Koripesuto started getting a better grasp on her Quirk too, me and my wife are so proud of her. I wish her grandparents could see her. But once again my parents are now both dead, and my wife's parents have been dead for years.

Amaisawa's POV:

I miss my parents. I kind of miss my husband too. But I had to let that shitty man go, I gotta move on. I hope I'll find another man I'll love someday... But for now I have the support of my brother Ketsueki and my niece Koripesuto. Life's kinda tough, but I gotta get through it.

Heh, I remember when I was little. Mom and dad would tell me about their wedding. Back when they were in their 20's... Good times. They would tell us about how fun it was, that it was amazing. They were making me wish I would've been there too, haha. They would also tell us about uncle Dabi's and aunt Nijipai's wedding too.

My uncle Dabi is still alive, at least I think so, we haven't seen him in a while so who knows, but aunt Nijipai died a year ago. She died of brain cancer sadly, she dealt with it for 10 years, I guess it was nice for her to be finally free of all the pain. But it must've also hurt to leave us behind. Mom died because of an extreme seizure at 61 years old, it was horrible.

But honestly, I don't really know how dad died. The doctors performed an autopsy on him and didn't find anything that would be life threatenimg for his age. I guess he just really missed mom and wanted to fly back to her. He died of "broken heart", I guess you could say. Poor dad.

I never met my grandparents. From neither side. I never asked my parents or my uncle or my aunt about it, if they didn't tell me already then it must mean they never wanted us to know about them. Whatever.

When me and my brother were in highschool our parents and uncle and aunt went to prison for sometime. Uncle Dabi and mom served abkut 5 years, they were legit criminals.

Dad and aunt Nijipai only served about 6 months though, they never really committed any crime, other than collaborating with the former League of Villains. Which was the reason they even served those months.

But hey, before we were even born dad, Nijipai, Dabi and mom ended up betraying the League, they wanted to leave normal lives without all that stress and committing crimes, so they allied with the former #1 hero, Izuku Midoriya and some of his classmates from his U.A. days to defeat the remaining members of the League.

After that, they spent their lives as normal civillians, and they had us.

My brother has my dad's Quirk, a pretty powerful one, but he only uses it for defending us. He wishes his daughter would become a Pro Hero in the future, and she seems to want to go on the path, so I'm supporting her with that!

I somehow didn't develop a Quirk even though both of my parents had Quirks, which is pretty rare, but I honestly don't care all that much.

Ketsueki's and Amaisawa's POV:

As siblings we stood together against all the worse, and overcame everything. Our main priority now is raising Koripesuto into a strong respectable hero. We wish our parents and aunt Nijipai would've been able to stay with us longer... But it's ok. WE WILL MOVE ON! 'TILL THE END!!!


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