Chapter 3: Love at First Sight

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Author Note: Ah, yes, I'm already at chapter 3 and I've just started writing this. I'm pretty sure I just discovered a new hobby! :D

Y/N's POV:
Tomura has untied me and my sister off our chairs. It's been an hour and a half since Tomura, Kurogiri, Twice and Dabi have arrived. It feels like days honestly, especially because there's nothing to do.
Tomura and Kurogiri have stayed creepily silent, but, I mean, so did I. My sister and Dabi have been telling eachother about their backstories. I was kind of shocked to find out about Dabi's terrible childhood. My childhood was very normal compared to his. Almost too normal. Of course that was the same case for my sister, since we were raised in the same house, by the same parents (sigh, i get kinda uncomfortable mentioning them now, may they rest in peace). They were also flirting a lot, while Twice was staring at them, seemingly smiling, while occasionally saying something like "Young love is beautiful!" or "Don't mind me, I'm so old and lonely". It was kinda weird because he was only like 8-10 years older than Nijipai and Dabi. Whatever. Twice has also started talking to me about how even though I am a villain now, I'm still young and should enjoy life from time to time and forget about worries. But I wasn't in the mood for conversation so I just ignored him while he kept talking.

"Pfff, yeah, as if I'll take advice from a 30-something-year old Deadpool rip-off who is hella awkward" - I thought to myself

After what felt like a lot of time, Himiko finally arrived. My sister told me her usual outfit consisted of a typical seifuku with a Kansai collar, with both her skirt and her shirt dark blue with a double white trim, which is paired with a red scarf that she ties loosely below. Over this, she wears an oversized beige cardigan with a rather long hem and cuffs. Also some knee-length socks and dark brown dress shoes with thick heels, the same as the outdoor uniform shoes students traditionally wear in Japanese schools. Her hair was usually styled into two messy buns. From my sister's describing, it seemed like a basic yet interesting outfit, to say the least.
But today, she came with her usual seifuku but her shirt and cardigan were trimmed short, completely exposing her fit belly. Her skirt had the usual color but was slightly transparent, I could even kinda see her light pink panties through it. Her hair buns were also slightly less messy than my sister described them. She has also put some make up on her cheeks to cover her red spot (oof I feel so sorry for hitting her yesterday). I stared at her like an absolute idiot and after about 1 minute of staring at her very, I mean VERY attractive face, perfect torso and thick thighs, I felt butterflies in my stomach. But I also started feeling my lil' Y/N getting hard and rising (if you know what I mean). Well, I guess my sister was more than right. Holy cow is Himiko hot. But not just like hot. She was cute, pretty and hot. I completely fell for her. I NEEDED her to be my girlfriend. This was a great opportunity, since I remembered that my sister said that Himiko thinks that I'm "cute". I was honestly very surprised. I guess I now knew what took her so long. THE WAIT WAS SO WORTH IT!

"DAAAANG! SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY! WOOO! I love her. I'll never try to deny Nijipai ever again! If we get together, I'll be happy as fuck! I hope she likes me back..." I thought to myself.

Now, don't get me wrong, she looked like the girl of my dreams, but will I really be able to go past her sadistic and psychotic personality? I mean, as long as she doesn't perform sounding or something on me I guess it's alright. And I've seen the memes about Cock and Ball Torture, but hopefully I won't experience it myself. I'm not into pain. I mean, looking at her again... It may be worth it.

She walked towards the bar table. She sat on the chair next to my chair. Damn, I guess she really DID change her outfit for me and just for me. The pieces are coming together! She usually wore less revealing clothes, but decided to switch to some more revealing ones as soon as I joined the league. She clearly thinks I'm a little more than "cute". I'm pretty proud of that. No girl has ever shown this kind of attraction towards me, and when it finally happened, the girl had to be an absolute baddie. I gotta say, I hit the jackpot.

-Hey, Y/N... - Himiko says seductively.
-H-Hey, Himiko... I say very awkwardly.
-Wait, how do you know my name? - she asked.
-My sister told me, she also told me about your quirk, personality and outfi-
-Oooohhh, of course, that makes sense. So, I guess you now know I don't usually wear this... - she interrupts.
-Yeah... - I respond.
-So... should we first talk about yesterday? - she asks in a serious tone.
-U-Ummm, I... I don't know. I'm very sorry. It wasn't very polite of me to punch a young lady like that. Guess I just don't like having my dad murdered... - I answer in a cowardly tone that slowly turns into a slightly aggresive tone as I mention my dad's murder.
-Hehe, yeah, sorry about that too... I forgave you though, hope you will forgive me too, but if you don't it's ok.

"She is acting suspiciously nice. Maybe she is trying to make a good first- I mean second impression on me... I should probably do the same..." - I think to myself.

-I do forgive you. - I say in a calm, accepting tone.
-R-Really?!? But I mean, I murdere-
-Please don't mention that again before I change my mind. It's a very sensitive subject for me. - I say fast in a cold tone.
-Right. - she says.

YAY! The end of another chapter! See you soon!

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